
How do I assign a work on Connect?

How do I assign a work on Connect?

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  1. Log in to ConnectED.
  2. Select Assign Content next to the student edition you wish to assign.
  3. Check the box to the left of the book icon and then click Next.
  4. Using your Class Name, Teaching Level, or Student Name, locate the student(s) that need access to the selected content.

How do students access Mcgraw Hill Connect?

In your my courses page, in the section whose registration information you want to access, click the registration info icon (A). When students visit your section-specific web address, they verify the course and section information, and click Register Now (A) to get started. …

How do I add students to my Mcgraw Hill Connect?

Follow the steps below to add students to a class.

  1. Select Manage & Assign or Class Management (option depends on program)
  2. Select My Classes.
  3. Select Add Students at the bottom right.
  4. Enter the name or ConnectED username of the student you wish to add and click the Search button.
  5. Check the box next to the student’s name.

How do I get my access code for Mcgraw Hill Connect?

How do I get my McGraw Hill Connect code?

  1. Students enter the section URL — provided by the instructor — into their browser, enter their email address and click Begin (A).
  2. Next, students will register and create a Connect account.
  3. They will then enter their access code (A) and click Redeem (B).

How do you set up a Mcgraw Hill Connect account?

Go to https://connectED.mcgraw-hill.com.

  1. Click Create a New Account.
  2. Click Register under Teacher section.
  3. Enter name.
  4. Enter one of your 16-digit Master Codes.
  5. Enter your personal school email address.
  6. Create a challenge question and answer.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Enter your school’s zip code.

How do students log into wonders?

FOR STUDENTS: Assure the student is signed into a chromebook and also at: drive.google.com. Log in using school Google username and password. Students must login using their unique Google username and password to be able to sync to the Wonders and StudySync platforms.

How do I drop a class on Connect?

Connect – Editing or Deleting a Course or Section

  1. On the My Courses page select Delete section from the section options menu (B).
  2. You will be asked to verify that you want to delete the section. Click OK. You are prompted one last time to verify that you are sure you want to delete the section. Click OK again.

How do you add another course on Connect?

After logging in to Connect, you’ll be taken to your my courses page where your courses you’ve already created are listed. Click add course (A) to start creating a course.

How do I change my registration date on McGraw-Hill Connect?

You can set registration dates during course creation or from the my courses page. To change registrations dates from the courses page, click the course options menu (A) and select Set registration dates (B).

How do McGraw Hill exams work?

When students are ready to take a proctored exam, they click “Test” on the Tegrity interface. The student is then taken through a simple workflow that asks them to agree to the testing policy. Then they prove their identity by holding up a student ID card or some other form of identification to a webcam.

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