How do I give my guinea pig cranberry juice?
You can try a mix of half juice and half water if you wish to; cranberries are also a good source of extra vitamin C, which you want to give in that situation. Let the piggies drink from the syringe as much as they will take. If they really hate the juice, just give water.
Should Guinea pigs drink cranberry juice?
Cranberries are great for Guinea pigs to eat and are known to be quite medicinal for them. Many guinea pigs have given guinea pigs cranberry juice to help them. Don’t feed it to them too often, once a week should suffice which is about as often as they should eat cranberries.
What juice can guinea pigs drink?
Guinea pig can have unsweetened apple juice and unsweetened cranberry juice. We really need to emphasize the unsweetened part because fruit juices are already naturally sweet, and you don’t want to give your piggy too much sugar.
Can guinea pigs drink unsweetened cranberry juice?
It’s is safe to give guinea pig’s a small amount of cranberry juice if it is unsweetened and it has been diluted with water.
Can guinea pigs drink flavored water?
Junior Guinea Pig Flavoured water can come in 2 forms, with sugar or sugar-free. Sugar = bad, so thats a straight no. Sugar-free means that other chemicals such aspartame are used to sweeten it.
Can guinea pigs drink v8?
Can guinea pigs drink juice? Yes, guinea pigs can drink juice but they cannot have just any type of juice. As a rule, they can have only the organic/natural unsweetened juices diluted with water, and from certain fruits only.
Can a guinea pig drink orange juice?
Unfortunately, juice which either comes directly from the fruit or from concentrate in cartons far too sweet and acidic for guinea pigs to have. Orange juice cordial is not as bad as it is not as acidic as fresh orange juice but is far too sweet for guinea pigs to have.
Can guinea pigs have strawberry water?
Yes, it is safe. Guinea pigs may eat small amounts of strawberries from time to time and in moderation but whether your guinea pig will eat them is another matter.
Can you give a guinea pig banana?
That’s right, feeding a small amount of banana as a treat to your guinea pig on occasion is totally fine and they will likely LOVE you for it! Moderation = A couple little cubes of banana is enough for one guinea pig.
Can guinea pigs eat wild strawberries?
Guinea pigs can eat wild strawberry leaves, flowers, and stems, they are completely safe for guinea pig’s health.
Can guinea pigs eat strawberries everyday?
It’s best to give strawberries once or a few times a week and to not exceed that. You should serve no more than 1 – 2 small bite-sized strawberries to your guinea pig a day and no more than once or twice a week.
Can guinea pigs have cucumbers?
Cucumber: Guinea Pigs can eat both the flesh, seeds (not too much) and the skin. Green beans:These contain vitamin C, and can be fed in a raw state. However they do also contain vitamin C. You can feed peas to your Guinea Pig in moderation.
Can guinea pigs have carrots?
Foods like carrots, kiwifruit, berries, and pineapple are also great as a source of Vitamin C and a tasty treat for your guinea pigs but only feed them a few times a week, not every day, as these foods have quite a high sugar content.
Can guinea pigs eat pineapple?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat pineapples but in a moderate quantity. Feeding your guinea pig with fruit is beneficial to their health. Do not feed pineapple juice to guinea pigs. Make sure you give them vitamin C-containing food to keep them healthy.
Can guinea pigs have watermelon or pineapple?
Most of the guinea pigs like pineapple, and they really enjoy eating this sweet fruit. Usually, pineapple is a very delicious and a loved treat for guinea pigs. In general, guinea pigs enjoy eating fruits, such as apples, nectarines, melons, mango, kiwi, blueberries, watermelon, strawberries, and many others.
Can guinea pigs eat the skin of a watermelon?
Guinea pigs can eat the watermelon rind, and some guinea pigs love it much more than they do the red part. However, wash the rind thoroughly before cutting it and serving it to your pet.
Can guinea pigs have pizza?
No, guinea pigs cannot eat pizza at all. Fat content is too high. There is a lot of cheese which is bad for them. It is a cooked food and cooked foods are bad for guinea pigs.