How do I unfreeze my TomTom?

How do I unfreeze my TomTom?

Resetting your TomTom

  1. Step 1: charging. First make sure you charge the TomTom for at least 2 hours. When the TomTom hasn’t been charged properly and dies during the reset, it may not start again.
  2. Step 2: pressing down the on/off button. Press down the on/off button for 30 seconds.

How do I restore my TomTom XXL to factory settings?

How to Completely Reset a TomTom

  1. Press the “Power” button on your TomTom to activate the device. If it is already powered on, skip this step.
  2. Tap the “Settings” option and choose “Change Preferences.” The “Reset Factory Settings” button should appear.
  3. Tap the “Reset Factory Settings” icon.

Can I replace my TomTom battery?

The battery of your navigation device cannot be changed. We recommend that you first try to charge your device for at least 2 hours. Then soft reset your device . If you have a problem with the battery, contact TomTom customer support .

How long should a TomTom battery last?

When the battery of your TomTom watch is fully charged, you can use it for up to 10 hours. However, there are certain functionalities that ensure that the battery lasts less. Do you want to use your TomTom sports watch as long as possible?

Why is my TomTom watch not charging?

when your watch isn’t charging or isn’t connecting with your computer, this means you haven’t properly inserted it into the dock. In this case, the contact points of the cable aren’t making a sufficient contact with the sports watch itself.

How do I check the battery on my TomTom?

To check if your Rider is being charged, tap the bottom right of the Driving view to get to the route summary screen. If the battery is being charged, the word Charging is shown under the battery symbol on the right.

How long is a battery life?

3-5 years

How long should a sat nav last?

As a general rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to run an update your sat nav once every three to six months. Even if you don’t travel far with your sat nav, it’s still a good idea to update it as road layouts change quickly and you don’t want to be adding time onto your journey for no reason.

Is it illegal to have a sat nav on the windscreen?

There is no specific law regarding the placement of a sat nav or phone holder but, as mentioned above, road traffic laws make it an offence to drive in a position where your view of the road or traffic ahead is obstructed. The best place to mount your sat nav is in the bottom right-hand corner of your windscreen.

Can I use my phone sat nav while driving?

Yes, it’s legal to use your phone as a sat nav, as long as it has secure, hands-free access and it does not block your view of the road or traffic ahead. You can be prosecuted if the phone is touched whilst driving. If you need to amend a route or touch your phone for any reason, you must pull over and park to do so.

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