How do the land structures of Iceland confirm seafloor spreading?

How do the land structures of Iceland confirm seafloor spreading?

By the use of the sonar, Hess was able to map the ocean floor and discovered the mid-Atlantic ridge (mid-ocean ridge). He also found out that the temperature near to the mid-Atlantic ridge was warmer than the surface away from it.

What is the evidence supporting sea floor spreading?

Abundant evidence supports the major contentions of the seafloor-spreading theory. First, samples of the deep ocean floor show that basaltic oceanic crust and overlying sediment become progressively younger as the mid-ocean ridge is approached, and the sediment cover is thinner near the ridge.

What is the theory of sea floor spreading?

Seafloor spreading, theory that oceanic crust forms along submarine mountain zones, known collectively as the mid-ocean ridge system, and spreads out laterally away from them. …

What discoveries prompted the hypothesis of seafloor spreading?

In 1963, Vine and Matthews tied the discovery of magnetic stripes in the oceanic crust near ridges to Hess’s concept of seafloor spreading. Harry Hess “An essay in Geopoetry” 1960 Contains the Sea Floor Spreading Hypothesis. It had good evidence and reached a wide audience.

What are 3 pieces of evidence for the theory of seafloor spreading?

Look at Figure 19 to see the process of sea-floor spreading. Several types of evidence from the oceans supported Hess’s theory of sea-floor spreading-evidence from molten material, magnetic stripes, and drilling samples.

Which of the following is not evidence of sea-floor spreading?

Your answer: The distribution of ice sheets across the planet is not an evidence of sea-floor spreading.

What are the steps in the process of seafloor spreading?

What are the 4 steps of seafloor spreading?

  1. Magma comes out of the rift valley.
  2. Magma cools to rock and hardens.
  3. Rock is pushed away as new rock is formed at MOR.
  4. Oceanic crust and continental crust meet at the trench.
  5. Oceanic crust bends down under the continental crust.
  6. Gravity pulls rock towards mantle.

What two main features are formed from seafloor spreading?

Midocean ridges, transform faults and fracture zones are the key surface features produced by seafloor spreading.

Which seafloor spreads faster?

Some of our recent research involves hydrothermal and structural investigations along Earth’s fastest seafloor spreading center, the 28°S–32°S East Pacific Rise. The fastest present-day seafloor spreading, ~150 km/Myr, occurs along the Pacific-Nazca boundary between the Easter and Juan Fernandez microplates.

What is the slowest spreading ocean?

The Gakkel Mid-Ocean Ridge (MOR) is the slowest spreading center on the planet with full-spreading rates between 1.33 cm/yr along the Greenland end to 0.63 cm/yr along the Siberian end.

Where does seafloor spreading occur?

divergent plate boundaries

What is seafloor spreading and where does it occur?

Sea-floor spreading is what happens at the mid-oceanic ridge where a divergent boundary is causing two plates to move away from one another resulting in spreading of the sea floor. As the plates move apart, new material wells up and cools onto the edge of the plates.

Which of the following is a result of seafloor spreading?

In sea-floor spreading, the sea floor spreads apart along both sides of a mid-ocean ridge as new crust is added. As a result, the ocean floors move like conveyor belts, carrying the continents along with them.

Who proposed seafloor spreading?

Harry Hess

Where is seafloor destroyed?

subduction zones

What is the importance of seafloor spreading in understanding the origin of the plate?

Answer: Seafloor spreading helps explain continental drift in the theory of plate tectonics. When oceanic plates diverge, tensional stress causes fractures to occur in the lithosphere.

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