How do the neighboring farms react to the rebellion at first?

How do the neighboring farms react to the rebellion at first?

At first Mr. Pilkington and Mr. Frederick, the owners of the adjacent farms, are very worried that the rebellion would spread. There is some evidence that this would happen as other animals learned the song “Beasts of England.” What made this situation even scarier is that the animals began to sing it.

How did the animals on other farms react to the rebellion on Animal Farm?

How did animals on the other farms react to the rebellion on Animal Farm? Other animals rebelled against their owners and animals everywhere were singing ‘Beasts of England’. For what reason was Snowball awarded a medal after the Battle ofthe Cowshed? no plans but said only that Snowball’s ideas would come to nothing.

How did the other farmers feel about the animal rebellion?

Expert Answers Nevertheless, they were both thoroughly frightened by the rebellion on Animal Farm, and very anxious to prevent their own animals from learning too much about it. At first they pretended to laugh to scorn the idea of animals managing a farm for themselves.

How did the neighboring farm owners Mr Pilkington and Mr Frederick really feel about each other?

Pilkington and Mr. Frederick do not like each other. However, both neighbors fear an animal revolution on their own farm and fight back with propaganda. They spread lies that the animals of Animal Farm were ”perpetually fighting among themselves and were also rapidly starving to death.

Why is boxer killed in Animal Farm?

What does Boxer’s death represent? Boxer’s death represents the exploitation of the working classes as well as the death of the idealism that led to the establishment of Animal Farm. Before his death, Boxer is Napoleon’s most loyal supporter, abusing his body in service to the farm and the windmill.

Who gave Napoleon fake money?

It is Frederick and his men, however, who make the first move after the discovery of the forged bank notes, attacking Animal Farm the very next morning. Frederick double-crosses Napoleon by paying for timber that Napoleon sells him with counterfeit money.

Who is the hardest worker in Animal Farm?

A large, strong cart-horse, Boxer is the hardest working animal on the farm, and devotes himself ceaselessly to the cause. Boxer’s two mottos are “I will work harder”, and “Napoleon is always right”, demonstrating his unshakeable work ethic and blind devotion.

How does Boxer react to almost killing a human?

After the battle, convinced that the boy is dead, Boxer is deeply shocked and feels guilty and sorry, while on the other hand, Snowball, a farm pig, shows no regret and mercy, confronting Boxer with words “War is war. The only good human being is a dead one.”

Who is the most powerful in Animal Farm?


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