How do you determine the orientation of orthographic projections in multiview drawing?

How do you determine the orientation of orthographic projections in multiview drawing?

How do you determine the orientation of orthographic projections in a multiview drawing? drawing by where the drawing is positioned, whether its the front, back, top, etc. 2.

How would you describe the geometric relationship that exist between the adjacent views of a multiview drawing?

2. How would you describe the geometric relationship that exists between the adjacent views of a multi-view drawing? Answer: The geometric relationship between the views would be that they have the same exact dimensions as the “adjacent” view below it or next to it.

What type of pictorial view is shown in item 6 How can you tell?

The pictorial view shown in item 6 is also oblique because the image is shown straight and has no hidden lines.

What is the purpose of hidden line?

A hidden line, also known as a hidden object line is a medium weight line, made of short dashes about 1/8” long with 1/16”gaps, to show edges, surfaces and corners which cannot be seen. Sometimes they are used to make a drawing easier to understand. Often they are omitted in an isometric view.

Which is better 1st or 3rd Angle Projection?

In the first angle projection, the object is placed in the 1st quadrant….Difference between First Angle Projection and Third Angle Projection :

SR.NO First Angle Projection Third Angle Projection
8 It is widely used in Europe, India, Canada. It is widely used in United State and Australia.

Why we can’t use 2nd and 4th angle projection?

As per rule of projection when horizontal plane is rotated 90 degree in clockwise direction, top and front view will overlap. Overlapping projection views create confusion in the drawing. Therefore 2nd angle projection system is not used. Therefore fourth angle projection is also not used.

What are the types of projection?

There are two main types of projection:

  • A. Parallel and Orthographic.
  • Station-point and Perspective.
  • Parallel and Convergent.
  • Perspective and Parallel.

What are the three regular views of an object?

Although six different sides can be drawn, usually three views of a drawing give enough information to make a three-dimensional object. These views are known as front view, top view and end view. Other names for these views include plan, elevation and section.

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