How do you drink water in Ariant?

How do you drink water in Ariant?


  1. The fountain is the one by the palace. You move your mouse around until you can click something.
  2. You need to go under the palace where there is an oasis click it to drink from it.
  3. There is water under the palace, click it and you will have finished the quest unlocking many Ariant quests.

How do you get into Ariant Castle?

First you can’t walk up the stairs in the first map. You need to walk over under the portal and jump up. Next you have to walk to the first planter and push up, this sends you to the next planter, From there you walk left behind the pillar and push up..then you go to the drawer and double click to get the ring…

Where is Ariant Maplestory?

Wiki Targeted (Games) Ariant is built around an oasis in the heat of the desert. Themed after an Arabic town, players can get here via a genie ride from Orbis.

Where is the sky jewel in Maplestory?

On the far left side of Ariant Palace Hallway there is a chandelier which does not light.

Where do I get Lidium in Maplestory?

Description: The ore of lidium that has formed in the sand. Available from: This item can be obtained from Jiyur’s Sister (Level 28 and above), A Proper Reward for a Good Deed (Level 27 and above) quest.

How do you get Skyrom in Maplestory?

Go to Ariant Castle: Palace Hallway and walk all the way to the left, standing below the lamp that is not lit, as shown in the image above. Press up to access the hidden portal. In the hidden map, hit the boxes until you manage to obtain 1 Skyrom. Talk to Eleska after you have obtained the item.

Where is an old empty house Maplestory?

Location An Old, Empty House in Ossyria
Mini Map
Song Bgm14/Ariant
Quests The True Identity of Sand Bandits, First Mission, Mission Complete!, Defeat Deo
NPC Jano NPC Information Name: Jano Type:

Who is the leader of the Sand Bandits Maplestory?


Where do you get cat eyes Maplestory?

Obtainable from Meerkat. Used for: Dancer Sword (Level 75 and above) quest.

What is the most precious thing in the desert Maplestory?

Water was the most precious thing in the desert.

How do you get to the Nihal Desert?

Ariant can be traveled there if you are the following: Below level 30, you can help Manji with the quests can allow up to 5 trips to Ariant. If you are traveling, take the ship from Ellinia then to Orbis then head to the right and talk to NPC to head to Ariant. Use the world map button if you need directions.

How do you get lithium in Maplestory?

Description: The ore of lithium that has formed in the sand. Available from: This item can be obtained from Jiyur’s Sister (Level 28 and above), A Proper Reward for a Good Deed (Level 27 and above) quest.

Where is Ardentmill?

Ardentmill is the home of the Professions, MapleStory’s crafting system. To get to Ardentmill, look for the portal located in every town in MapleWorld.

What is in lithium medication?

Lithium (Eskalith, Lithobid) is one of the most widely used and studied medications for treating bipolar disorder. Lithium helps reduce the severity and frequency of mania. It may also help relieve or prevent bipolar depression. Studies show that lithium can significantly reduce suicide risk.

How do you get Lidium hearts?

Lidium Heart Recipe

  1. Superior Abrasive x 1.
  2. Lidium x 3.
  3. Philosopher’s Stone x 3.
  4. Superior Item Crystal x 4.

How do you get hearts on Android?

Aside from being found in monster drops, recipes for craftable hearts can often be purchased during event Coin Shops (all heart recipes listed below were first available in the Legends Coin Shop apart from Silver and Lidium), as well as one-time-purchase items from the Gollux coin shop (Iron/Gold Hearts only).

Where can I get an android maplestory?

To access the android tab, open your Equipment tab (default hotkey E) and click on the tab at the top for “AD”. It’s next to the other tab for Pet equipment (and Haku/Mir/Mechanic tank etc. if you have those). You can change android’s clothes by dragging and dropping CS items onto the slots for android’s equipment.

Can you have multiple Androids MapleStory?

You can, however, have multiple androids and hearts in your inventory as they are not one-of-a-kind items. The second slot Xenon has, the Power Source, can equip an android heart in its place (but the Hybrid Heart cannot be equipped in the regular android heart slot).

How do you summon in MapleStory Android?

Players can get an Android by crafting one through Blacksmithing. Aside from the Android itself, they will also need to craft an Android Heart. Once you have both of these MapleStory items, you can then summon your Android.

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