How do you form the present tense in French?

How do you form the present tense in French?

To conjugate in the present tense, take off the -ir ending so you’re left with the stem, and add the appropriate conjugation endings depending on the subject. Here’s an example with the verb choisir (to choose): Je choisis un livre (I choose a book) Tu choisis un livre (You choose a book)

What are French present tense verbs?

The present tense – le temps présent

Verb Present tense
être je suis, tu es, il est, nous sommes, vous êtes, ils sont
avoir j’ai, tu as, il a, nous avons, vous avez, ils ont
pouvoir je peux (or je puis), tu peux il peut, nous pouvons, vous pouvez, ils peuvent
devoir je dois, tu dois, il doit, nous devons, vous devez ils doivent

What is the simple present tense in French?

le présent

How do you conjugate simple present tense?

When we form the present simple, we need to pay attention to verbs that end with a consonant + ‘y’. This suffix changes from ‘y’ to ‘ies’ in the 3rd person singular. Examples for the change of ‘y’ to ‘ies’ in the third person singular: to fly → she flies.

What is simple present tense formula?

The structure/formula of a Simple Present Positive Sentence is – subject + main verb + object.

How do you conjugate verbs in the present tense?

To conjugate these verbs, drop the -er from the infinitive to form the stem. Next, add the -erendings to the stem. Different tenses have different endings. The endings given below (-e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent) are for forming the present tense.

What are some present tense verbs?

Present Tense Verbs

  • the base form: go, see, talk, study, etc.
  • the base form plus ‘s’ (or ‘es’) for 3rd person singular: goes, sees, asks, studies. (For example, Joe goes to school, Ann sees a bird, Bill talks a lot, but he also studies.)
  • and the base form plus ‘ing’: going, seeing, talking, studying.

How do you conjugate the verb to be?


  1. Simple present. I am. you are.
  2. Present progressive/continuous. I am being.
  3. Simple past. I was/were.
  4. Past progressive/continuous. I was being.
  5. Present perfect simple. I have been.
  6. Present perfect progressive/continuous. I have been being.
  7. Past perfect. I had been.
  8. Past perfect progressive/continuous. I had been being.

What are the IR verbs in French?

Some Common French Regular “-ir Verbs

  • Abolir > to abolish.
  • Agir > to act.
  • Avertir > to warn.
  • Bâtir > to build.
  • Choisir > to choose.
  • établir > to establish.
  • étourdir > to stun, deafen, make dizzy.
  • Finir > to finish.

How many French verbs are IR?

Each of these verb categories has specific rules governing how they change to express layers of crucial information about the situation. The category of verbs that ends in -ir is the second largest category of verbs in French, with around 300 verbs.

How many French IR verbs are there?

There are around 60 irregular -ir verbs, but that doesn’t mean you have to memorize 60 different verb conjugation tables. Thanks to patterns in the conjugations of most of these verbs, you only need to learn 21.

What are the three types of regular verbs in French?

In French, regular verbs are grouped into three main families — ‐ er, ‐ir, and ‐ re — because these are their endings in the infinitive form.

What is the difference between a regular verb and a irregular verb?

A regular verb is any verb whose conjugation follows the typical pattern, or one of the typical patterns, of the language to which it belongs. A verb whose conjugation follows a different pattern is called an irregular verb.

How do you know if a verb is regular or irregular in French?

Irregular verbs are simply verbs that don’t follow the normal rules of conjugation. For example, regular verbs ending in -er all change their endings the same way when conjugated. Regular -ir and -re verbs follow their own sets of rules as well.

What are the four main verbs in French?

The Big Four (Être, Avoir, Aller and Faire) Like the crossword puzzles awaiting you beside your porcelain throne, the following verbs are essential to know—perhaps the most important irregular verbs in all of the French language.

How can I learn French verbs quickly?

Here are a couple of suggestions and shortcuts that will help you master French conjugations faster:

  1. Be Logical And Methodical. Approach verbs in a logical way.
  2. Learn Common Irregular Verbs From The Start.
  3. Practise And Repeat.
  4. Identify Groups Of ‘Irregular’ Verbs.
  5. French Verb Conjugation Is Not A Never Ending Task.

What are the 15 verbs in French?

Action Pack: The 50 Most Commonly Used French Verbs, All in One Place

  1. Être (to be) Behold: the undisputed most common verb in the French language.
  2. Avoir (to have)
  3. Aller (to go)
  4. Pouvoir (to be able to)
  5. Vouloir (to want)
  6. Faire (to do)
  7. Parler (to speak)

What are the top 10 French verbs?

Be sure you know how to conjugate and use the 10 most common French verbs.

  • ÊTRE – to be. Je suis fatigué.
  • AVOIR – to have. J’ai un chien.
  • FAIRE – to do, to make. Je fais la vaisselle.
  • DIRE – to say, to tell. Je te dis la vérité.
  • ALLER – to go. Je vais à la banque.
  • VOIR – to see.
  • SAVOIR – to know.
  • POUVOIR – can, to be able to.

What order should I learn French verbs?

It’s best to learn the different verb tenses gradually. They are usually tackled in the following order: present, immediate future, recent past, perfect, future, imperfect, conditional (present and past). Then come the pluperfect, subjunctive or past historic.

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