How do you get Batsureg in Dragon Quest 9?

How do you get Batsureg in Dragon Quest 9?

Sail to Urdus Marshland, which is to the north of the Djust Desert. Then walk north to the Iluugazar Plains, and enter the village of Batsureg in the center of Iluugazar Plains.

How many serpent souls do you need?

Somewhere around 55 total, maybe 60. If you are really going for everything. If not, more like low 30’s. I total them up in my guide, I think, during the Walkthrough.

Where can I find Crimsonite?

User Info: Wynvkius. The dragons in dundrasil near the castle have them as a common drop so you can steal them. Doesn’t take long to farm at all.

Where can I farm serpent souls?

You can get a lot of Serpent Soul from either dragons or demon monsters. The majority of them can be found in the Trial of the Luminary, Snaerfelt, or the Celestial Sands. For my method, I farm in the Celestial Sands and I hunt the demon monster called Pruslas that are located in the northern part of Celestial Sands.

Where can I find Crimsonite in bloodstained?

Crimsonite, which is a drop from the ninjas you’ll find in Oriental Sorcery Lab. Imbrued Fang, which is a drop from Millionaire’s Bane. You’ll need the Millionaire’s Key from Den of Behemoths to reach the Millionaire’s Room in Hall of Termination to reach this enemy.

Where can I buy Chronocrystal dq11?


  • You can find Chronocrystal at the north of Lonely Coast, which at the eastern side of the southeastern island.
  • A guy sells them.
  • Besides the red chest in the Tower of Nod, NO crystals CAN NOT be found in blue chests in grottos.
  • There is a red chest in the tower of nod on the sixth level with one. (

Where is Maxie Van Bloems grave?

wheat field

Where is Royal Ruby dq11?

Royal Ruby

  • Shop: L’Academie de Notre Maitre les Medailles.
  • Sparkle Spot / Common Drop: Battleground.
  • Sparkle Spot / Common Drop: Luminary’s Trial.
  • Sparkle Spot / Common Drop: Sniflheim – Whale Way.
  • Sparkle Spot / Common Drop: Trial Isle.

How do I learn Kazapple?

Kazapple is learned by the hero at level 37. It costs 15 MP from all party members. It cannot be used if Alena, Ragnar, or Torneko are in the party as they don’t have MP.

Where is Erdwins bracelet?

Once you enter the Disciple’s Trial, Cruel Crypt, drop down to the bottom and head into the southwest corner to find the chest containing Erdwin’s Bracelet.

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