How do you get CHAC to Oversoul?
Basically kill 10 Basilisk fiends (like Kukulcan and Gucumatz) if you want to oversoul Chac. Also if you see one of the other Basilisk fiends oversoul get out and find Chac who should be somewhere in the Bevelle Via Infinito.
How do you beat Trema?
Trema has very high evasion, but Rikku can hit him due to her high Luck stat (provided by the Rabite’s Foot accessory), whereas Cactling Gun ignores evasion. At the start of the battle the player should use a Stamina Tonic to double the party’s HP and a Megalixir, as well as Light Curtain/Lunar Curtain for protection.
How do you get Paragon Oversoul?
To Oversoul it, the player must fight Ultima or Omega Weapons. When one of them Oversouls, the party can escape, and when fighting Paragon, it will be Oversouled. The party can bribe Paragon for 800,000 gil, or by getting the CONGRATS!
How do you beat Azi dahaka?
Make sure the Songstress is dancing at all times, since he can pull this attack out anytime he wishes. If you are hit and the Songstress is not dancing, heal up immediately. Continue to use Magical Masque and hit Azi with all you got. Darkness by a Dark Knight and a few of the Berserker’s attacks work well on him.
Can you bribe Trema?
Sorry to break it, but he is immune to bribes (you should still get the cash from congrats, but he wony run away). Even if he could, he’d probably thundering wave/waning moon you to death before your lady luck could get it off. Paragon can be congrats’d, trema cannot.
Who is Trema ffx2?
Trema is a non-player character from Final Fantasy X-2 who can be investigated through a sidequest in Via Infinito. Trema was the leader of and founder of New Yevon. He can become a party member in the International and HD Remaster versions.
How do you get to via Infinito?
The Via Infinito is an optional 100 floor dungeon available in Chapter 5. To enter it, visit Bevelle in Chapter 5 and visit the room to the right of the lift that you used to enter the Bevelle underground earlier in the game. You’ll see a scene with the Kinderguardians finding the entrance.
How do you get the mascot Dressphere in FFX 2?
The Mascot is a dressphere in Final Fantasy X-2, obtained aboard the Celsius in Chapter 5 when the player achieves Episode Complete in every location in Spira (provided that Zanarkand is not achieved last).
How do you trade players in Blitzball?
re: How Do I Trade Blitzball Players? You have to win a LOT of games before a prize called “Trade Privileges” becomes available. Remember to scout a player you really don’t like before you win it, because you’ll be trading them for whatever player you want off any team.
How do you get AP egg Ffx 2?
There are only two ways to get an AP Egg; it is a prize in Bliztball, and in the secret chocobo dungeon in chapter 5 (you need to talk to clasko in earlier chapter to be able to unlock it).
Do AP eggs stack?
User Info: Karifean. No, you cannot have the same auto-ability multiple times.
What is Vegnagun?
Vegnagun (ヴェグナガン, Vegunagan?) is a colossal weapon in Final Fantasy X-2. It is a powerful and fearsome machina created by the city of Bevelle during the Machina War, 1000 years before Final Fantasy X. Its main weapon, a gargantuan cannon, fires concentrated energy beam to cause untold amounts of destruction.