How do you jump start a Sprinter van?

How do you jump start a Sprinter van?


  1. Ensure your Sprinter transmission shifter is in Park position and Parking Brakes are engaged.
  2. Pull the hood release under the dashboard of your Sprinter and open the hood.
  3. Locate the positive jump starting terminal and connect the positive (red) jump starter lead.

Why won’t my key turn in my Mercedes Sprinter?

If the key does not turn in the ignition, try moving the steering wheel as you try to turn the key. Push the steering wheel in the direction that allows a little movement and then insert the key and try to turn the key again. You can put pressure on the steering wheel and also try shaking the steering wheel.

Where is the battery on a Mercedes Sprinter van?

The battery in Your Mercedes Sprinter Van is located in the back, under the small mat, and then under the long black plastic piece in the floor.

How do I start a sprinter?

To start your car, all you need is to have your electronic key inside the vehicle with you. Now standard, the KEYLESS START system allows the engine to be started simply by pressing the start/stop button and touching the clutch or brake pedal.

Why does my Mercedes battery keep dying?

One of the major culprits is it’s simply an old battery. The average lifespan of a car battery is only four to six years, so if you’re in that range or over, it’s probably time for a new battery. However, if this isn’t the case, there’s some other mischief going on.

How long should a sprinter battery last?

between 3-5 years

Where is the auxiliary battery located?

The main location of the auxiliary battery is the left side of the dashboard.

Can I drive with auxiliary battery malfunction?

It’s not recommended to drive when you’re experiencing issues with your auxiliary battery. However, it does not put you in any immediate danger as long as you don’t notice a decline in the overall handling and performance of your car.

Can you charge auxiliary battery?

You can easily use your alternator to charge your second (auxiliary) battery simply by connecting the positive terminals of both batteries so that they’re in parallel.

How much does it cost to replace an auxiliary battery in a Mercedes?

How much does it Cost to Replace Mercedes Auxiliary Battery? The average cost for a Mercedes-Benz auxiliary battery replacement is between 200-300 USD. Labor costs are estimated between 50-100 USD, all of these prices are estimated and may vary.

How long does a Mercedes auxiliary battery last?

On average, auxiliary batteries have a service life of up to seven years, more or less depending on usage and driving conditions.

How do you charge a second battery while driving?

How to Charge an Extra Battery While Driving a Car

  1. Disconnect the cable from the negative post of your main battery.
  2. Place your extra battery in your vehicle and attach battery tie downs to hold it in place.
  3. Attach the battery isolator to the firewall of your engine compartment.

What does an auxiliary battery do?

Auxiliary Battery Overview Auxiliary batteries vary in size and specification dependent on the demands placed on it by the vehicle electrical system and can be used as a safety back-up to support the main battery when required or to provide voltage for specific vehicle systems all of the time.

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