How do you pronounce Maatschappij?

How do you pronounce Maatschappij?


  1. IPA: /maːtsxɑˈpɛi̯/
  2. Rhymes: -ɛi̯
  3. audio. (file)
  4. Hyphenation: maat‧schap‧pij.

What part of speech is the word promptly?

Promptly is an adverb – Word Type.

What part of speech is the word information?

Information is an uncountable noun meaning ‘facts about someone or something’.

What part of speech is relief?

part of speech: noun. definition 1: the ease resulting from the removal of pain, distress, or anxiety. synonyms: easement antonyms: dismay, horror similar words: appeasement, letdown, rest.

What is the verb of relief?

relieve. To ease (a person, person’s thoughts etc.) from mental distress; to stop (someone) feeling anxious or worried, to alleviate the distress of.

What type of word is relief?

noun. alleviation, ease, or deliverance through the removal of pain, distress, oppression, etc. a means or thing that relieves pain, distress, anxiety, etc.

How do you show relief in writing?


  1. body slumping, losing its stiff posture.
  2. shaky laughter.
  3. a slow smile.
  4. falling back into a chair.
  5. asking/demanding someone to repeat good news.
  6. asking a redundant question to assure that the moment is real.
  7. eyes that go up, looking heavenward.
  8. letting out a huge breath.

How do you use the word relief?

Relief sentence example

  1. Relief brought a smile to her lips.
  2. It was a relief to stretch out in a restaurant booth.
  3. Relief brought tears to her eyes.
  4. She sighed in relief and rested her head on Damian’s shoulder.
  5. Relief and fear unleashed within her, and she was hauled once again to her feet.

Is relief an emotion?

Relief is a positive emotion experienced when something unpleasant, painful or distressing has not happened or has come to an end. Relief is often accompanied with a sigh, which signals emotional transition. People from all over the world can recognise sighs with relief, and judge relief to be a fundamental emotion.

What does a sense of relief mean?

If you feel a sense of relief, you feel happy because something unpleasant has not happened or is no longer happening. I breathed a sigh of relief.

What are relief features?

The characteristics that are related to the landscape of specific areas are known as relief features. They are not anything like the pattern of drainage that involves water channels. Mountains & ridges and valleys are elevated points of elevation and are examples of low lying areas.

How do you express relief in English?

A list of phrases related to the word “relief”…

  1. A load off your mind.
  2. Aid and abet ( the meaning and origin of this phrase… )
  3. Breathe a sigh of relief.
  4. Breathe again.
  5. Breathe freely.
  6. Come to the aid of the party.
  7. Do They Know It’s Christmas? ( Band Aid song )
  8. Ease up.

What is relief to know?

such a relief to know that everything is taken care of and arranged.” – Fantasy Travel Greece.

What is the meaning of relife?

verb (used with object), re·lived, re·liv·ing. to experience again, as an emotion. to live (one’s life) again.

What do you mean by relief in painting?

A relief is a wall-mounted sculpture in which the three-dimensional elements are raised from a flat base.

What is relief work in art?

Relief, also called relievo, (from Italian relievare, “to raise”), in sculpture, any work in which the figures project from a supporting background, usually a plane surface. Reliefs are classified according to the height of the figures’ projection or detachment from the background.

What are the 4 categories of relief?


  • Low relief or bas-relief.
  • Mid-relief.
  • High relief.
  • Sunk relief.
  • Counter-relief.
  • Small objects.

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