How do you say kitchen in different languages?

How do you say kitchen in different languages?

In other languages kitchen

  1. Arabic: مَطْبَخٌ
  2. Brazilian Portuguese: cozinha.
  3. Chinese: 厨房
  4. Croatian: kuhinja.
  5. Czech: kuchyně
  6. Danish: køkken.
  7. Dutch: keuken.
  8. European Spanish: cocina habitación.

What is Jiko English?

“jiko” in English jiko. cooker. fireplace. hearth. kitchen.

What do we call microwave in Swahili?

Swahili Translation. tanuri ya microwave.

What does Queen mean in African?

Enjoy these royal names.

KIBIBI (kee-BEE-bee). Princess; little girl.
MALIA (MAH-lee-ah). Queen.
MOROWA (moh-ROH-wah). Queen.
NEGASI (neh-GAH-see). Royalty.

What is Nala short for?


Acronym Definition
NALA National Association of Legal Assistants
NALA National Adult Literacy Agency (Ireland)
NALA North America Latin America Films, LLC (est. 2005)
NALA Native American Leadership Alliance

What is a nickname for Nala?

Nickname – Nala Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and tags for Nala – 么NALA✿•, Nalita, Nala 🦁🧡, nali, Lala, Nalie.

What does Nyla mean?

A female variant of Nail, Nyla is an Arabic name meaning one who achieves.

What does Kovu mean in African?

“Kovu” means “scar” in Swahili.

What does Nala mean in Setswana?

@RediTlhabi not motswana bu Nala means abundance …of food…it’s the opposite of famine. it means the same thibg in seSotho & isiZulu. 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes.

How are you Setswana?

Useful phrases in Tswana

English Setswana (Tswana)
Hello (General greeting) Dumela
How are you? O tsogile jang (sg) Le kae? (sg) Le tsogile jang? (pl)
Reply to ‘How are you?’ Ke tsogile sentle (sg) Re teng (sg) Re tsogile sentle (pl)
Long time no see Ke kgale re sa bonane

What does molemo mean?

2 submissions from South Africa agree the name Molemo means “Goodness” and is of Lesotho origin. According to a user from South Africa, the name Molemo is of Bantu origin and means “Kindness”. According to a user from South Africa, the name Molemo means “Kind”.

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