How do you say someone has a bright future?

How do you say someone has a bright future?

2 Answers

  1. ‘has proven skills worth developing’
  2. ‘could soon achieve excellence’
  3. ‘deserves recognition for their achievements’
  4. ‘has enviable proficiency’
  5. ‘has risen admirably to recent challenges’

What does have a bright future ahead mean?

(one) has a bright future ahead (of one) One is poised or has the potential for a very successful life or career in the future. You’ve got a bright future ahead if you can keep up such an impressive level of performance.

What does have a bright future mean?

Definition (expr.) destined to be happy and successful; exciting future; positive future. Examples Jan has a bright future ahead of her. She’s very smart and very pretty.

How would you describe your future better?

Here are some adjectives for future: clear and even dazzling, irresistible, disastrous, foreseeable, past and probable, independent genetic, reasonably foreseeable, present and hopeless, indefinite peaceful, valuable, important, remote and unknowable, unchanging, absolute, vague and preferably distant, immensely far- …

How would you describe your future life?

Here are some adjectives for future life: unending and glorious, newer, happier, happy or active, post-physical, conscious personal, whole, longed-for, unending, ethereal, happier, joyous, conscious, newer, foul, exceptional, happy, eternal, probable, active, exalted, desirable, feeble, imaginary, entire, remote.

What are three words to describe yourself?

Positive Words to Describe Yourself

Persistent Genuine Patient
Enthusiastic Disciplined Straightforward
Passionate Dynamic Intelligent
Ambitious Modest Tough
Tenacious Extroverted Sympathetic

How do you say good in the future?

Synonyms for Good future

  1. bright future. n.
  2. positive future. n.
  3. great future. n.
  4. happy future. n.
  5. beneficial future. n.
  6. better future. n.
  7. promising future. n.
  8. brighter future. n.

What is a fancy word for life?

What is another word for life?

existence survival
being consciousness
sentience continuance
essence aliveness
animateness animation

What are future words?

other words for future

  • eventual.
  • forthcoming.
  • imminent.
  • impending.
  • planned.
  • prospective.
  • subsequent.
  • ultimate.

What’s a word for future plans?

In this page you can discover 89 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for future, like: prospective, anticipated, forthcoming, coming time, inevitable, in the course of time, to-be, impending, tomorrow, imminent and coming.

What is another word for near future?

What is another word for in the near future?

impending imminent
forthcoming approaching
coming upcoming
pending looming
future nearing

What does future mean in English?

time that is to come

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