
How do you say thanks for wishes?

How do you say thanks for wishes?


  1. Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
  2. Thanks for all the kind birthday wishes!
  3. My thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday.
  4. Thank you all for making me feel like a queen on my birthday.
  5. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes.

How do you express gratitude in Japanese?

Express Your Thanks In Japanese!

  1. Arigato gozaimasu! / Thank you!
  2. Domo arigato gozaimasu / Thank you very much.
  3. Hontoni arigato gozaimasu / Thank you so much.
  4. Arigato gozaimashita / Thank you (Past)
  5. Iroiro arigato gozaimashita / Thank you for everything.
  6. Sumimasen / Sorry.
  7. Ie ie / No no (Not at all/No problem)

How do you end a thank you note?

Closing Options for Thank-You Letters

  1. Best.
  2. Best regards.
  3. Gratefully.
  4. Gratefully yours.
  5. Kind thanks.
  6. Many thanks.
  7. Sincerely.
  8. Sincerely yours.

What is etiquette for thank you notes?

Be specific about what you are thanking the person for. You don’t want to simply say, “Thank you for the gift.” That may give the impression that you can’t remember what the person gave you. Even if you didn’t care for the gift, you should send a thank you note. State how you will use or have used the gift or service.

Can you use thank you instead of sincerely?

Closings like “take care” or “talk soon” are typically reserved for closer relationships, while “sincerely” or “with appreciation” would work better in a formal setting. If you’re unsure of the closing you should use, “regards” and “thank you” are your best options.

Can you say many thanks?

Yes, many thanks is perfectly proper, grammatical, standard English. It is appropriate to use wherever “thanks” (as opposed to “thank you”) would be acceptable. As Martha says, many thanks is perfectly idiomatic. Their earliest citation for the phrase Many thanks is 1803, Many thanks for your letter.

Is thanks to all of you correct?

“Thanks, all of you” requires a pause to be correct. “Thanks” is actually a noun, but it is used as an abbreviation for “thank you.” It is not completely interchangeable with “thank you,” though. “Thanks to all of you,” however, is correct.

How do you express gratitude in Italian?

14 Ways to Say Thank You

  1. Grazie. – Thank you.
  2. Ti ringrazio (informal) /La ringrazio (formal). – Thank you. I miei ringraziamenti – All my gratitude.
  3. Grazie mille / mille grazie. – Thanks a million.
  4. Grazie tante. – Thanks a lot.
  5. Molte grazie. – Many thanks.
  6. Grazie di tutto. – Thanks for everything.

How do you thank someone in Polish?

In Polish, “Thank you” is Dziękuję. You can emphasize Dziękuję by adding bardzo, which means “very much.” You could say Dziękujębardzo, which would be the equivalent of “Thank you very much”.

What is a stronger word for grateful?

thankful, pleased, beholden, indebted, gratifying, acceptable, good, favorable, obliged, gratified, agreeable, comforting, congenial, delectable, delicious, delightful, desirable, pleasant, pleasurable, refreshing.

What does Minga in Italian mean?

Minga, (from the Italian verb mingere which means “to urinate”), an impolite Sicilian slang term used to denote frustration or as a derogatory descriptive term for a person.

What is a Botchagaloop?

Botchagaloop — I heard this word when I was growing up on Long Island in the 1950s and 60s. It came to mind recently, don’t ask me why, and wondered if my memory of it as kind of a put-down was correct. According to the Urban Dictionary, the basic meaning is: a dufus.

What does butana mean in Italian?

puttana translation | Italian-English dictionary fam! whore fam!

What is Gagootz in Italian?

Gagootz is an Italian-American word for zucchini. It derives from the name of an Italian squash cucuzza.

What’s a mamaluke in Italian?

A mamaluke is an Italian word, actually an Italian slang word, for someone who does something dumb, stupid, silly or foolish. (Or is dumb, stupid, silly, or foolish.) Mamaluke is a word that’s almost always aimed at guys, that is, males of the Italian-American persuasion.

What does Fungu mean in Italian?

Yep, this. Original Italian is Va’ a fare in culo, shortened to vaffanculo, or just fanculo. This literally means “go do it in the ass” – basically “f you” 2. Share.

What does chooch mean in Italian?

Yes, Chooch means “a person without common sense” in Italian slang, from the word ciuccio, from which “chooch” is derived. Literally ciuccio is Italian for a pacifier for children. However, in the south of Italy, Chooch also means donkey, something akin to the American slang, “jackass” or “idiot”.

What does Ugatz mean in Italian?

Italian slang for “bullshit”. Common synonyms include pants, bollocks, horseshit, etc.

What is a goomba in Italian?

1 informal : a close friend or associate —used especially among Italian-American men.

What does Stunad mean in Italian?

New Word Suggestion. [Italian slang] a stupid person.

What does Maron mean in Italian?

Marone – (Southern Italian dialect) – literally “Madonna” (i.e. – the Blessed Virgin Mary, not the pop star), generally used as “damn” or “damn it”. Sometimes pronounced “ma don”.

What does Bafangool mean in English?

curse, to screw yourself

What is a mamaluke in Italian?

A mamaluke is an Italian word, actually an Italian slang word, for someone who does something dumb, stupid, silly or foolish. (Or is dumb, stupid, silly, or foolish.) Also, it can describe someone who doesn’t fit in for reasons I’ll get into in a minute.

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