How do you show initiative on a resume?

How do you show initiative on a resume?

Adjectives that illustrate initiative “To really make your resume stand out, replace words like ‘proficient’ and ‘skilled’ with words like ‘persistent’ and ‘diligent. ‘” These words demonstrate your active initiative instead of passive knowledge.

What are some examples of initiative?

Examples of initiative include: when you see others struggling reach out and offer help. When you see areas where your life is not going as well as you would like to and you decide to do something about it.

What are initiative skills?

Initiative is the ability to be resourceful and work without always being told what to do. It requires resilience and determination. Initiative is a self-management skill, and self-management is one of five key life and work skills for Young Professionals.

How do you show initiative at work examples?

Skills and attributes that often go hand-in-hand with taking the initiative include:

  1. Innovative thinking.
  2. Problem-solving.
  3. Entrepreneurism.
  4. Creativity.
  5. Leadership.
  6. Confidence and the self-belief to try something new.
  7. Being quick to learn.
  8. How proactive you can be.

What is an example of a time you demonstrated initiative at work?

If you did anything for your colleague–for example offered to take their shift when they felt sick, or stayed overtime in work to help them with a heavy workload, you can definitely talk about this as an example of a time when you showed initiative.

What is employee initiative?

When you show initiative, you do things without being told; you find out what you need to know; you keep going when things get tough; and you spot and take advantage of opportunities that others pass by. You act, instead of reacting, at work. Most of us have seen initiative in action.

What is an initiative goal?

Like goals, initiatives are best expressed as a verb or action done to a noun or thing. It may take many initiatives to achieve a goal. One initiative may help to achieve many goals. every goal has one or more initiatives to achieve it.

How can I be proactive and take initiative at work?

How to Be Proactive and Take Initiative

  1. Try to take on different roles.
  2. Ask for feedback and act on it.
  3. Make an effort to listen to discussions around you.
  4. Don’t underestimate the power of small-talk.
  5. Foresee potential obstacles and bring them up to your teammates.
  6. Don’t be shy to ask questions.
  7. Don’t take comments and suggestions personally.

How can employees take initiative?

You can show initiative at work in a variety of ways, including volunteering for leadership roles, helping coworkers and brainstorming ideas to help the company improve. By mindfully taking initiative at work, you can also increase your value as an employee and broaden your skillset.

How do you take initiative interview?


  • Describe a project or idea (not necessarily your own) that was implemented primarily because of your efforts.
  • Describe a situation in which you recognized a potential problem as an opportunity.
  • Tell me about a project you initiated.
  • Tell me about a time when your initiative caused a change to occur.

What is a strategic initiative example?

Examples of Strategic Initiatives Raise brand awareness with a social-media campaign. Acquire or merge with a critical supplier of raw materials. Launch a strategy to reduce outsourcing. Open more customer-facing retail outlets.

How do you teach students initiative?

In this post we’ll share the five best ways to teach initiative to high school students:

  1. Tie your lessons to the end goal.
  2. Incorporate group work.
  3. Let students work independently.
  4. Help students stay productive and be proactive.
  5. Encourage students to discover connections.

How do you show initiative?

Here are some tips to show the initiative that will help you thrive in the workplace and improve your career prospects:

  1. Do more than what is expected of you.
  2. Make your career plan.
  3. Work on your confidence.
  4. Develop a team mentality.
  5. Actively request feedback and follow it.
  6. Always keep a positive attitude.

How do you inspire initiative?

10 ways to get employees to take initiative

  1. Set an exciting goal. It gives energy to work on an ambitious challenge.
  2. Make it personal. Make sure your employees care.
  3. Create room for experimentation.
  4. Communicate your expectations.
  5. Facilitate change.
  6. Create a safe environment.
  7. Reward changemakers.
  8. Make it fun.

What initiative means?

1 : an introductory step took the initiative in attempting to settle the issue. 2 : energy or aptitude displayed in initiation of action : enterprise showed great initiative. 3a : the right to initiate legislative action.

Who takes initiative?

1 A person or thing that initiates someone or something. I wasn’t sure if you wanted a noun or an adjective. You can say he has the initiative or he is an enterpriser.

What is another word for initiative?

other words for initiative

  • action.
  • drive.
  • leadership.
  • push.
  • get-up-and-go.
  • resource.
  • spunk.
  • vigor.

How do you use the word initiative?

Initiative in a Sentence ?

  1. Emma took the initiative to clean her room before her parents asked.
  2. Because of Ben’s initiative to start a recycling program, the beach is much cleaner today.
  3. Some community members have taken the initiative to begin talks about rising crime.

How do you use initiative in a sentence?

“He has great initiative when it comes to getting things done.” Used with verbs: “Our group will undertake a new initiative.” “We have been involved in this initiative for a long time.”

How do you say take initiative?

Synonyms for Take initiative:

  1. v. •volunteer (verb) present, tender, suggest, proffer, enlist, propose, advance, speak up, come forward, chip in.
  2. Other synonyms: • Other relevant words: bring forward, Tendered, volunteer, take upon oneself, brought forward, step forward, signing up, went in, standing up, take bull by the horns, Volunteering,

How do you say good initiative?

Synonyms for Great initiative

  1. excellent initiative. n.
  2. good initiative. n.
  3. welcome initiative.
  4. important initiative. n.
  5. very good move.
  6. commendable initiative. n.
  7. fine initiative.
  8. major initiative. n.

What is motivation and initiative?

Motivation is what pushes us to achieve our goals, feel more fulfilled and improve our overall quality of life. Commitment to personal or organisational goals; Initiative, which he defined as ‘readiness to act on opportunities’; and. Optimism, the ability to keep going and pursue goals in the face of setbacks.

What is a antonym for initiative?

Antonyms: closing. Synonyms: opening move, endeavour, endeavor, initiative, go-ahead, enterprisingness, opening, first step, green light, enterprise.

What is the meaning of lack of initiative?

lacking initiative. lacking integrity or moral backbone. lacking intelligence. lacking interests or hobbies. lacking means or measures or policies.

Is initiative a characteristic?

Initiative is defined as recognizing and doing what needs to be done before I am asked to do it. Initiative is the trait that puts many of the other character traits into action. Compassion without initiative does nothing to aid another.

What are policy initiatives definition?

1 a plan of action adopted or pursued by an individual, government, party, business, etc. 2 wisdom, prudence, shrewdness, or sagacity.

What is a government initiative?

Initiatives are a form of direct democracy and involves the forcing of a public vote on an issue through the use of petitions. Initiatives may seek to introduce a law at a state level, repeal a state law, or attempt to change the State Constitutions.

What is an initiative AP Gov?

Initiative – Procedure whereby a certain number of voters may, by petition, propose a law or constitutional amendment and have it submitted to the voters.

What is an initiative in government quizlet?

Initiative. An election that allows citizens to propose legislation and submit it to the state electorate for popular vote. Referendum. An election whereby the state legislature submits proposed legislation to the state’s voters for approval.

What is an initiative quizlet?

Initiative: people have the right to propose a new law. Referendum: a law passed by the legislature can be reference to the people for approval/veto. Recall: the people can petition and vote to have an elected official removed from office.

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