How do you stay motivated as you get older?

How do you stay motivated as you get older?

How To Take Charge of Your Motivation as You Get Older

  1. The gradual changes of age: A quick overview. Let’s start with the bad but pretty obvious news: we change as we age.
  2. Energy levels dip. As we age our energy levels wain.
  3. Appreciate the power of the mind.
  4. Focus upon your fitness.
  5. Challenge yourself.
  6. Be positive.
  7. Live.

How do you overcome senioritis?

Your College Apps Are In – Now How to Beat Senioritis

  1. Set Attainable Goals. Grab a pen and paper, and write down the goals you want to achieve between now and graduation.
  2. Make a Plan of Action and Stay Organized.
  3. Take On a New Activity.
  4. Get Your Friends Active, Too.
  5. Study Smart.
  6. Start Thinking About Your College Decision.
  7. Apply To Additional Schools, If Needed.

How do you finish senior year strong?

Finishing High School Strong: 5 Remedies for Senioritis

  1. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize. It might seem like you’re in the clear now that you’ve submitted your college applications (you have done that, haven’t you?) and are starting to hear back from some schools.
  2. You Can Still Have Fun.
  3. Shift Your Focus—but Stay Focused.
  4. Make Friends with Your Teachers.
  5. Remember, It’s Not Too Late.

Is senior year the easiest?

In addition, a lot of high school students already met most of the graduation requirements, so they will be taking some classes such as Math, English, and Social Studies to finally fulfill those requirements. Even though, it is the “ easiest” year of high school.

Is it OK to get B’s in high school?

Is one or two B’s the end of the world? No. Your grades are a threshold matter — once you reach a certain level with your numbers, a stronger high school GPA will not significantly increase your chances of admission.

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