How do you talk about study abroad experience?

How do you talk about study abroad experience?

How to Talk About Your Study Abroad Experience

  1. Be specific. When talking about your study abroad experience, it can be easy to simply say, “It was great!
  2. Be honest. Living and studying in another country is more than just a vacation.
  3. Be humble. More and more, and especially since I’ve returned, I’ve realized that studying abroad is a privilege.
  4. Be you.

How can I express what I study?

“I am studying my master’s degree.” “I am doing my master’s degree.” I would say ‘I am studying for my Master’s Degree’. ‘For’ is used because it is the reason you are studying, it is what you are working towards.

How do I ask for English study?

What are you studying? They might tell me which subject they are studying at that moment. I’m studying Math right now, but I’ll be studying Spanish in an hour. What do you study?

What do you study reply?

This answer is acceptable whether the question is, “What subject are you studying?” or “What subject do you study?” However, for the first question of these two, “I’m studying Economics” is a little better. This answer is more suitable to a question that is worded as, “What’s your subject?” But it is acceptable.

What are you studying now ielts speaking?

IELTS Speaking Question 1: What are you studying now? It is a two year course and involves studying history, geography and economics. My major is in History, so most probably I will be taking more of history courses in the last semester of my course.

Why did you choose to study that subject ielts speaking?

As said earlier, I find this subject very much close to my real life. All the principles and concepts that are taught in this subject are useful to deal with the real life financial problems as well. This is the reason I think learning this subject would be really helpful for me.

What are you studying ielts speaking?

Main IELTS Speaking Topics

  • Your Job.
  • Studying.
  • Your Hometown.
  • Your Home.
  • The Internet.
  • Your Likes and Dislikes.
  • Sport.
  • Food.

Where are you from in ielts speaking?

Examiners IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sample Questions

  • Where are you from?
  • Tell me something about your family.
  • What about your studies?
  • How long will your course take you to study?
  • Where would you like to work in the future after university?
  • Can you tell me something about Kazakhstan?

Do you miss being a student ielts?

I surely will miss my student life once I get involve in the workplace. For me I think when I’m a student, at least I have someone guide me, whereas at work mostly you must guide yourself. The academic environment appears to be a comfort zone for me, while I’m sure I’ll struggle with fitting in the working environment.

Do you miss being a student?

There is nothing I miss more about being on campus (college & high school) than seeing my friends on a regular basis. I feel like the older I get, and the more involved with my work that I am, the farther and farther the time gaps are between being with my friends and family.

What was your first day like at work ielts?

On the first day of my job, I got ready early in the morning and reached my office’s building. It was a seven-story building. My workplace had located on the fifth floor. There, all the modern facilities were available in that building such escalators, lift, a dispensary for medical purposes and so on.

Can you describe your job to me ielts?

Answer: The job that I have is also the same as the job that I would hope to have if I didn’t already have it. I’m an English teacher, and I also run a website called, so that I can teach English to many more people than I could teach in one classroom. Different aspects of my job involve different skills.

How useful will English be for your future ielts speaking?

How useful will English be for your future? [Why?/Why not?] Besides studies, English will surely help me communicate with people from other countries in my personal and professional life. Finally, knowing this language will help me read many books which are written only in English.

What is your job answer in ielts?

What Is Your Job # IELTS Speaking

  1. Sample Answer 1: I work with an IT firm as a software engineer.
  2. Sample Answer 2: I am a teacher by profession and teach the junior school students , math and science.
  3. Sample Answer 3: I am a travel blogger by profession and own my website,
  4. Sample Answer 4:
  5. IELTS BAND7 Dehradun.

Do you often use a computer ielts?

Do you often use computers? I work as a system engineer in a company and my entire work is on computers. So, I use it very often. Apart from work, with every thing becoming online, it becomes very obvious to use computers to do the transactions and other household things online.

Is computer based ielts easy?

The computer-delivered test is easier than the paper-based test. And because the content for both the paper-based and computer-delivered IELTS test is the same, the level of difficulty is also same. The only difference might be your level of confidence in sitting your IELTS test on a computer.

Do you ever change your routine ielts?

The routines are quite different as well. During my longer holidays, my routine changes and they are quite different than other busy days. Tell me about your typical weekday and your typical weekend. Well, on a typical weekday, I get up early in the morning, take a shower and eat my breakfast.

What do you often do in the evenings ielts?

How do you spend your time in the evening? In the evening, I love to play music and listen to some old Bollywood songs from my favourite song collection. It just refreshes my mind, keeping me away for a while, from tension arising due to the daily routine work.

What do you like doing in your free time ielts speaking?

What do you do in your spare time? I love reading and writing when I have some free time available. Apart from these, I also like playing badminton. So, whenever I do get time, I usually read, write or play badminton.

How do you spend your free time ielts speaking?

Here is the tapescript from my speaking:

  1. I’m glad you asked me that.
  2. I’m really active, I really like going out,
  3. I’m a bit of a homebody, I always stay home,
  4. I’m super into cooking so when I’ve got some time, I like to cook.
  5. I’m really sociable – I like to go out with my friends,
  6. I’m really big into computer games,

Do you spend much time with your family ielts speaking?

Towards my family, I make sure that I spend at least 2 days a month with my parents and my brother. So, most of the time we all make plans to make sure that we do spend those two days together, no matter where we are. Other than this, I give 5% of whatever my earnings are to my family.

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