How do you write a well defined learning objective?

How do you write a well defined learning objective?

An effective learning objective should include the following 5 elements: who, will do, how much or how well, of what, by when. 1 The mnemonic SMART—Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound—can be used to describe the elements of a well-written learning objective.

What are the four main purpose of learning objectives?

Learning objectives are no different than goals, because they serve four main purposes: to describe the purpose of an activity (or intervention) to establish the desired result. to identify the methodology to be used to get there.

What are smart objectives in education?

SMART Objectives: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed. • Specific – Be precise about what you are going to achieve.—Each objective should. address only one achievement. • Measurable – Quantify your objectives.

What is an instructional objective?

An instructional objective is a statement that will describe what the learner will be able to do after completing the instruction. Instructional objectives are specific, measurable, short-term, observable student behaviors. They indicate the desirable knowledge, skills, or attitudes to be gained.

What is an example of a behavioral objective?

Examples of Behavioral Objectives. The levels are listed in increasing order of complexity, followed by verbs that represent each level. KNOWLEDGE: remembering previously learned facts. APPLICATION: ability to use previously learned material in new and concrete situations.

How do you write a good behavioral objective?

Writing Behavioral Objectives

  1. Begin each behavioral objective with a verb. The critical aspect of any behavioral objective is the verb selected to indicate expected behavior from learning activities.
  2. State each objective in terms of learner performance.
  3. State each objective so that it includes only one general learning outcome.

What are the three parts of a behavioral objective?

A well-constructed behavioral objective describes an intended learning outcome and contains three parts, the behavior verb, the condition, and the measurement criteria.

What is a general objective?

The general objective of your study states what you expect to achieve in general terms. Your specific objectives should specify exactly what you will do in each phase of your study, how, where, when and for what purpose.

How do you write a specific objective?

Here are a few suggestions to help you as you write the statement:

  1. Write the objective before starting the project.
  2. Identify all objectives at the beginning.
  3. An objective cannot be written in isolation.
  4. Be brief; it increases the chances of objectives being read and understood.

What are general educational objectives?

2. specific than “aims” and are also more action oriented. This is to say that, while aims tend to describe a philosophy of education, objectives specify what is intended as observable and measurable, action- oriented statement of intention of an educational programme.

What is the most important objective of education?

Intellectual Achievement: To provide students with academic knowledge and skills in order to prepare them for post-secondary education or the workforce. This has been the most agreed upon aim of education. Most parents want their children to reach high standards in math, English, history, and science.

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