How does blowing up the careers supplies affect Katniss?

How does blowing up the careers supplies affect Katniss?

Katniss has blown up the Career Tributes’ pyramid of supplies by successfully triggering the mines that surrounded it. Even though she was far away, the shockwaves and smoke from the blast still hit Katniss, causing her some disorientation and dizziness.

What advantage do Katniss and Rue have over the careers?

What advantage does Katniss and Rue have? Energy and the ability to fight. They destroyed most of the career food and have the advantage to have their food.

How does Rue fix Katniss tracker jacker stings?

Katniss looks up and sees that Rue is pointing to a wasp’s nest higher up. Katniss thinks it is probably a tracker jacker nest. Trackers jackers are another mutation created by the Capitol during the war with the districts. It’s a burn ointment, and it instantly soothes Katniss’s hands and leg.

What injury does Katniss suffer in the explosion she set off to destroy the careers supplies?

What injury does Katniss suffer in the explosion she set off to destroy the Careers supplies? A cut on her forehead.

Why does haymitch not send Katniss water?

Haymitch does’nt send Katniss water because he knows she is smart enough to find it. Also, she is very close to the water. She is dying of thirst. But Katniss knows what he is trying to do!

What does Katniss almost die looking for?

Katniss knows that she must appear to the cameras as if she’s not surprised by what she has heard. She wants to make sure that sponsors continue to bet on her and offer her support and believe that she and Peeta are in on this plan together. She continues her desperate search for water.

What does Katniss realize about her first kill?

What does Katniss realize about her “first kill” (p. 243)? -When she thinks about her “first kill”, the boy from District 1, she feels guilty, because this boy probably had family, friends or even a girlfriend. They all will mourn about him.

What does Katniss realize right before she passes out in Chapter 14?

Summary and Analysis Part 2: Chapter 14. Katniss realizes that Rue is pointing to a wasp nest above her and wonders if these are true wasps or if they are one of the Capitol’s muttations, a type of wasp called the tracker jacker.

Who is the father of Katniss baby?

Epilogue. In the epilogue, Katniss and Peeta are married and have two children. Their firstborn child, a girl, has Katniss’ dark hair and Peeta’s blue eyes; the second born child, a boy, has Katniss’ grey eyes and Peeta’s blond curls.

Why did Peeta draw Rue?

Originally Answered: Why did Peeta paint a picture of Rue during his “interview”? To disturb the Gamemakers by reminding them of Katniss’ first act of defiance (covering Rue in flowers, to show that she was more than just a pawn in the Hunger Games), thus accusing them of Rue’s murder.

Who did Katniss really love?

Katniss does love Peeta. She loves as an action, not as an emotion. This is not to say she doesn’t have affection and desire and other emotions connected to Peeta, she does. But her choice is what defines her love and she chooses Peeta.

How does Gale kill prim?

He indirectly killed Prim. Gale and Beetee developed ticker bombs that would be able to kill more civilians and military personnel, and seemed unphased by the loss of life he was causing. One of these bombs exploded in the same area where Prim was treating the wounded in the Capitol and it killed her.

How did Gale betray Katniss?

Question: how exactly did Gale betray Katniss in Mockingjay part 2? He never did. Gale devised a specifically vile way to attack enemies (that is, Capitol fighters) with BeeTee, and that way was a two stages bombing: first, a bomb goes off, then, when helpers rush in, another bomb goes off and kills them as well.

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