How far down is the deepest part of the ocean?

How far down is the deepest part of the ocean?

36,201 feet

Can we get to the bottom of the ocean?

Famous Expeditions to the World’s Deepest Point His dive was part of the Five Deeps Expedition to reach the bottom of every ocean on Earth. 2020: Former NASA astronaut Kathryn Sullivan became the first woman to reach the deepest point in the ocean and the first person to travel both to space and to the Challenger Deep.

How many miles down is the Mariana Trench?

7 miles

What is the pressure 7 miles underwater?

While atmospheric pressure in the average home or office is 14.7 pounds per square inch (PSI), it is more than 16,000 PSI at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

Can you go 7 miles underwater?

Two expeditions have successfully plumbed the almost-7-mile depths of the Challenger Deep. In 1960 U.S. Navy Lt. Unofficially, at least one person in a position to know suggests U.S. Navy divers may (wink, wink) have surpassed that depth, but details are, you guessed it, “classified.”

Can you scuba dive to the Titanic?

No, you cannot scuba dive to the Titanic. The Titanic lies in 12,500 feet of ice cold Atlantic ocean and the maximum depth a human can scuba dive is between 400 to 1000 feet because of water pressure.

How long does it take to get down to the Titanic?

The trip to Titanic’s resting place takes about 2.5 hours, and a round-trip dive lasts about 8 to 10 hours. “I think one thing that captures people is a direct link to this almost mythological maritime character, the Titanic,” said Rob McCallum of Deep Ocean Expeditions, which holds exclusive charter for Titanic dives.

Did anyone survive Titanic from the water?

The head baker of the Titanic spent two hours in frigid water and emerged with only swollen feet! It is believed that upwards of 1500 people died in the sinking of the Titanic. It’s believed that upwards of 1500 people died in the accident, however, amongst the survivors was one Charles Joughin.

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