How far is Dublin from Mullingar?
73 km
How long does it take to get from Mullingar to Dublin?
How long is the drive from Dublin, Ireland to Mullingar, Ireland? The total driving time is 1 hour, 6 minutes.
How much is a train ticket from Mullingar to Dublin?
How much will I pay for train tickets from Mullingar to Dublin? When you’re traveling from Mullingar to Dublin, you can expect to pay an average of approximately € 4.12. You might be able to find prices as low as € 0.37, but it all depends on how you travel.
Is there a bus from Dublin Airport to Mullingar?
Yes, there is a direct bus departing from Dublin Airport and arriving at Mullingar. Services depart twice daily, and operate every day.
Are buses still running to Dublin Airport?
Please note all bus services are currently operating on a reduced service due to the COVID 19 pandemic with reduced capacity of 25%. Please check with your operator for further information. Bus and Coach operators depart from the Bus and Coach Park, located behind the Terminal 1 Multistorey Car Park.
How much is a taxi from Lucan to Dublin Airport?
The fastest way to get from Dublin Airport (DUB) to Lucan is to taxi. Taking this option will cost €30 – €45 and takes 20 min.
How do you pre book a taxi in Dublin?
Plan ahead. With FREE NOW Prebook.
- Set the date and time. Simply select the taxi service you need, tap the Later button and set the Pickup time.
- Save prebooks in your calendar. Add your Prebook to the calendar on your smartphone.
- Check upcoming prebooks.
What’s free now?
FREE NOW is Europe’s number 1 taxi app, operating in 100+ European cities, including 9 cities within the UK. We are on a journey to make urban mobility better for passengers, drivers and communities, and to help cities move more freely. So sit back, relax and enjoy your journey with us.
Is free now safe?
Yes. FREE NOW (mytaxi) is quiet safe to use but use with caution.
Is free now free?
mytaxi is FREE NOW. FREE NOW brings freedom of movement to the forefront.