How far is Johannesburg from Nairobi?

How far is Johannesburg from Nairobi?

1,818.26 mi

How many flight miles is it from Nairobi to Johannesburg?

Distance between Nairobi (NBO) and Johannesburg (JNB) Flight distance from Nairobi to Johannesburg (Jomo Kenyatta International Airport – OR Tambo International Airport) is 1802 miles / 2900 kilometers / 1566 nautical miles.

How long does a flight take from South Africa to Kenya?

The total flight duration from Johannesburg, South Africa to Nairobi, Kenya is 4 hours, 7 minutes.

How far is Nairobi from Lagos?

2367 miles

Can someone travel from Nigeria to Kenya by road?

Can I drive from Nigeria to Kenya? Yes, the driving distance between Nigeria to Kenya is 6228 km. It takes approximately 4 days 13h to drive from Nigeria to Kenya. Kenya Airways, Ethiopian Airlines, Rwandair Express and Egyptair offer flights from Lagos Airport to Nairobi Airport.

How much is Lagos to Kenya by road?

Road trip planner The total cost of driving from Lagos, Nigeria to Nairobi, Kenya (one-way) is $523.87 at current gas prices. The round trip cost would be $1,047.74 to go from Lagos, Nigeria to Nairobi, Kenya and back to Lagos, Nigeria again.

How much is the flight ticket from Lagos to Kenya?

Flights from Lagos to Nairobi: Reviews from verified customers

Origin Airport Murtala Muhammed Intl.
Destination Airport Jomo Kenyatta Intl.
Airlines Serving Ethiopian Airlines, Kenya Airways, Qatar Airways, Rwandair, Turkish Airlines
Flight Price $778
Distance 2380 mi

How much is the ticket from Kenya to Nigeria?

The average price for one way flights from Nairobi to Lagos is KES42,433. The average price for round trip flights from Nairobi to Lagos is KES71,693.

How far is Lagos to Kenya?

3925 km

How many hours flight is from Nigeria to Kenya?

Flying time from Lagos, Nigeria to Nairobi, Kenya The total flight duration from Lagos, Nigeria to Nairobi, Kenya is 5 hours, 14 minutes.

How many hours is Lagos Kenya?

The total flight duration from Lagos, Nigeria to Kenya is 5 hours, 20 minutes.

Do I need visa to go to Kenya from Nigeria?

Nigerian passport holders require a visa to travel to Kenya, but rest assured the process is an easy one! The processing time for the Kenyan e-visa is two business days, but it is recommended to apply at least seven days before you travel to spare yourself some stress, and in case additional documents are required.

How much is a trip to Nairobi?

The average price of a 7-day trip to Nairobi is $634 for a solo traveler, $1,139 for a couple, and $2,135 for a family of 4. Nairobi hotels range from $38 to $148 per night with an average of $76, while most vacation rentals will cost $90 to $470 per night for the entire home.

How much is flight from Lagos to Ghana?

The average price for direct flights from Lagos to Accra is NGN141,415.

Does a Nigerian need visa to travel to Ghana?

Do I need a visa to travel to Ghana? Nigeria citizens do not need a visa to travel to Ghana for stays of up to 90 days. They must, however, provide a passport valid for six months beyond the date of exit from Ghana.

Can a Nigerian travel to Ghana without passport?

To travel from Nigeria to Ghana by any means, you need a valid international/ECOWAS passport and a yellow card. It is very advisable to get your yellow card before travelling as it is very important and can be a means by which officials extort you.

Can a Nigerian move to Ghana?

Ghana is an ECOWAS country and they share cross-border movements with Nigeria and other ECOWAS member States. To relocate to Ghana you have to have a Nigerian passport. Your travel documents like the Yellow Fever Vaccination Card and your transportation.

How long can a Nigerian stay in Ghana without visa?

90 days

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