How long does it take to fully recover from shoulder surgery?
During your recovery period, you will work with your physical therapist to regain motion and strengthen the area. The rotator cuff surgery recovery timeline can vary case by case, but a full recovery typically takes four to six months. It may take longer than that to return to heavy lifting.
How long does it take to get full range of motion after shoulder surgery?
It takes 1 year to fully regain external rotation after small and medium tears, whereas mild residual stiffness remains after large tears. Full forward elevation is restored by 3 months for small tears vs 6 months for medium and large tears.
What is the fastest way to recover from shoulder surgery?
To ensure optimal results and the quickest possible recovery, follow these key tips.
- Wear your shoulder immobilizer or sling.
- Participate in physical therapy.
- Eliminate pain medication as quickly as possible.
- Avoid certain shoulder positions and arm movements.
- Don’t rush your recovery.
Why is shoulder surgery so painful?
The other major reason patients have pain after rotator cuff surgery is due to stiffness of that shoulder. It is common after rotator cuff surgery to have some stiffness due to the fact that the operation caused the arm to be held without motion for some time.
What can you not do after shoulder surgery?
You should not do any reaching, lifting, pushing, or pulling with your shoulder during the first six weeks after surgery. You should not reach behind your back with the operative arm. You may remove your arm from the sling to bend and straighten your elbow and to move your fingers several times a day.
What pain meds are prescribed after shoulder surgery?
The most common medications prescribed post-operatively are:
- Narcotics such as morphine and codeine.
- Acetaminophen.
- Combinations of acetaminophen and narcotics, such as Vicodin or Percocet.
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen.
- Local anesthetics.
Can you wear a bra after shoulder surgery?
A loose fitting sleeveless undershirt followed by a loose button down shirt. Please do not wear a traditional bra for two weeks, but one with a T-back or racer back straps are okay.
How do you dress yourself after shoulder surgery?
You will require loose clothing that preferably buttons down the front or tank tops with large sleeves. Avoid clothing with small buttons, hooks and zips. Ladies may find a bra uncomfortable and may prefer to wear a strapless or front fastening bra.
Can I take my sling off to sleep?
It is important you wear your sling in bed for the recommended period, unless you are instructed otherwise. We recommend you sleep on your back or unaffected side. When lying on your back we suggest you use a pillow underneath your injured arm for support.
How long should you sleep in a recliner after shoulder surgery?
Sleep in a Reclined Position You will most likely need to sleep in a semi-reclined position for at least six weeks after surgery, sometimes longer. If you don’t own a recliner, it may be worthwhile to buy one or borrow one from a friend before you have your shoulder surgery.
What is the best way to sleep after shoulder surgery?
In many cases, the best way to sleep after shoulder surgery is in a recliner. The recliner allows you to lie down and rest without giving you the freedom to turn over.
How long should you ice your shoulder after surgery?
You should ice your shoulder for 30 minutes every 3 to 4 hours as needed. With either method, be sure to protect your skin by placing a T-Shirt or cloth between your skin and the cooling unit or icepack. Change the bandage on your shoulder daily using clean, dry gauze and tape.
How do I know if my shoulder surgery failed?
Basics of failed shoulder surgery and revision shoulder surgery. A shoulder surgery has failed when it does not achieve the expectations of the patient and the surgeon. Failure can result from stiffness, weakness, instability, pain or failure to heal, and from complications such as infection or nerve injury.
How should I sleep with shoulder pain?
Adjusting your sleeping position to the opposite side or to your back or stomach may help take pressure off an aching shoulder. Utilize a pillow. Most of us change positions in our sleep. If you’re concerned about rolling onto your sore shoulder, try placing a pillow in a way that will prevent you from doing so.
Can shoulder pain radiate down arm?
It’s possible that shoulder pain can radiate down into your arm. Conversely, a condition affecting your upper arm may be felt around your shoulder.
Does bursitis pain radiate down the arm?
Initially, the pain is located at the outside of the shoulder at the very top of the arm, but as symptoms progress, the pain may radiate down the outside of the arm (though rarely past the elbow). As the condition gets worse, a person may avoid using the shoulder, causing the muscles to weaken.