How many classes are in a day at Hogwarts?

How many classes are in a day at Hogwarts?

The course schedule given in book four is quite consistent: three, possibly four class periods per day, two before and two after lunch, with a break between the two morning classes (there is only documentation of break on Fridays, but we have assumed it would take place every day).

What classes do 7th years take at Hogwarts?

Beginner warning: Details follow which you may not wish to read at your current level.

Course/Subject First year Seventh year
Charms Flitwick
Defence Against the Dark Arts Quirrell Amycus Carrow
Divination not taught Trelawney and Firenze
Flying Hooch not taught

Does Hermione die?

During the battle of the ministry of magic, Bellatrix kills Hermione.

What movie does Draco kiss Hermione?

Deathly Hallows part 2

Did Draco actually kiss Hermione?

Draco Malfoy had just taken Hermione Granger into his arms and was kissing her passionately. It wasn’t just that, though, it was also what he had said. He had said he wanted her. Just was she thought her wishes were about to be answered, there was a thud, a grunt and Malfoy was pulled away from her.

Who was Hermione’s first kiss?

1. Ron and Hermione’s First Kiss. There was a clatter as the basilisk fangs cascaded out of Hermione’s arms. Running at Ron, she flung them around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth” (Deathly Hallows 625).

Does Harry kiss Ginny?

Harry and Ginny actually shared their first kiss in the 6th installment of the series, “Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince.” However, the movie scene re-tells the moment rather differently to the novel.

Who was Ron’s first girlfriend?


Do Hermione and Ron get divorced?

There’s one particular timeline where Ron and Hermione never ended up married, which causes huge ramifications for their adult personalities. The only problem with that scenario is that it was Ron who happily married Padma Patil, and Hermione remained single.

Does Hermione kiss Harry?

No, Harry and Hermione never kiss in the books or the movies. However, Emma and Daniel did have a kissing scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part one. This is not a real kiss between Harry and Hermione, but an illusion of Ron’s fears caused by the locket Horcrux.

Why did Ginny marry Harry?

Had Harry remained a bachelor, perhaps he could have been open to a new set of adventures post-Hogwarts. Rowling likely wanted the infamous Potter bloodline to continue, though, so she decided to have Harry and Ginny marry.

Why did Ginny and Dean break up?

Ginny Weasley, his ex-girlfriend and good friend Dean started dating Ginny Weasley around the end of his fifth year. Thus, luck was on the side of Harry, who had developed an interest in Ginny, and she thought Dean was trying to push her through the portrait. This row led to their split.

Was Ginny jealous of Cho?

Before Half-Blood Prince, Ginny had no love for Cho as she was extremely jealous of Harry’s attraction for her – this because Ginny was so obsessed with Harry the whole, if you’ll recall.

Does Ginny hate Cho?

She didn’t “hate” Cho per se, she was competition for Harry’s affections. In the 5th Harry Potter movie, Harry showed interest in Cho Chang, while in the 6th movie he likes Ginny.

Why did Ginny call Fleur phlegm?

Molly was irked by Fleur’s criticism of her household and her favourite singer, Celestina Warbeck, and Ginny called her “Phlegm”, due to her throaty, French accent, and made fun of her behind her back.

Did Cho Chang marry Dudley?

If you don’t know it, the theory is that Cho married Dudley after the Battle. Here’s the evidence: 1. Cho married a Muggle, it is unknown who.

Did Cho Chang have a child?

Cho Chang
Biographical information
Eye colour Brown
Family information
Family members Mr. Chang (father) Mrs. Chang (mother) Mr. Campbell (husband) Hannah Potter née Campbell (daughter)

Who did Dudley marry in Harry Potter?

Mrs Dursley

Did Dudley have a magical child?

The twochildren of Dudley Dursley and his wife were Muggles. They would occasionally be visited by their magical second cousins, the two sons and daughter of their father’s cousin Harry Potter.

How did Dolores Umbridge die?

After Voldemort’s death and the reformation of the Ministry of Magic by Kingsley Shacklebolt, Umbridge was arrested, tried, convicted and sent to Azkaban for life for her crimes against Muggle-borns as not all of them survived. Unfortunately, she didn’t burn in hell.

Does Harry ever see Dudley again?

According to Pottermore, the last time Vernon and Petunia ever saw Harry was the day they left Privet Dr. However, Harry did see Dudley again. Harry and Dudley ended on considerably better terms in Deathly Hallows with Dudley somewhat expressing gratitude and well wishes to Harry.

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