How many eggs do flying geckos lay?
Gravid female swell noticeably, and their 2 eggs will be visible through the skin in time. A well-fed female may produce 3, or possibly more, clutches of 2 eggs each.
How do gecko reproduce?
When mating, the male gecko grasps the skin at the back of the female’s neck in his jaws and wraps his tail around that of the female, bringing their cloacas—the reproductive openings together. Some species of gecko reproduce asexually, when the female produces fertile eggs without mating with a male.
Can flying geckos live together?
Groups of one male and two females or all females work well. If you have more than one adult male, they can fight over females. Best to keep them in separate cages. It’s also important that the geckos are of similar sizes.
Do flying geckos bite?
Flying Gecko Bite These geckos are non-poisonous. The bite from these species doesn’t cause any serious harm. Generally, these species didn’t bite anyone. In a very rare case, it bites someone, if rough handling.
Do flying geckos like being held?
Note: Only female Flying Geckos should be housed together. Male Flying Geckos should NEVER be kept together as they will fight.
How long do flying geckos live?
The typical lifespan of a flying gecko is between five and eight years when kept in captivity.
Are flying geckos good beginner pets?
Flying geckos are wonderful, unique pets to own. They come from the tropical rain forests of Indonesia and have specific requirements. Flying geckos are not a good first reptile, but they add a lot to reptile keeper’s collection.
Do flying geckos lose their tails?
They will shed their tails if attacked or captured. While this provides a distraction for predators, it makes the lizard slower and may prevent reproduction for that year.
How big of a tank does a Tokay gecko need?
Tokays are arboreal and appreciate space. A 10-gallon aquarium is sufficient for a single animal, and a 20-gallon long tank or larger is OK for a pair. But the optimal enclosure size for a pair measures 21⁄2 feet long, 1 foot wide and 2 to 21⁄2 feet tall.