
How many ways can a student choose 8 questions out of 10 in an exam?

How many ways can a student choose 8 questions out of 10 in an exam?


How many ways can you choose one or more students from 3 students?

Answer. in 7 ways we can select the students……

How many choices if he must answer first or second question but not both?

CRGreathouse. Yes, exactly — since the question says “must answer the first or second question but not both”. If both was allowed that would increase the number of ways by (118)=165.

How many ways can 2 students be chosen from 10 students?

90 different ways

How many ways can an advisor choose 4 students?

495 is the answer.

How many ways can a teacher put her 12 students into 4 groups of 3?

Next we need to find the next group of 4 from the remainig 3 so that is 8C4. Finally, there is 4C4 ways to choose 4 from 4. Hence, we have: 12!/(4!

How many different teams of 4 students could be chosen from the 15 students?

1365 different committees

How many ways can you select a committee of 4 students out of 10 students?

210 ways

How many ways are there to select 4 students out of 7 students?

35 ways

How many ways can first and second place be awarded to 10 people?

Example: How many ways can first and second place be awarded to 10 people?

10! = 3,628,800
(10-2)! 40,320

How many different ways can a committee of 4 students be chosen from 6 students?

If order mattered, then there would be 6*5*4*3 = 30*12 = 360 different ways to form the committee.

How many ways can a group of 5 be chosen from 25?

So there are 53,130 different ways to form a group of 5 people.

How do you solve permutations?

Permutation Notation When writing permutations, we use the notation nPr, where n represents the number of items to choose from, P stands for permutation and r stands for how many items you are choosing. To calculate the permutation using this formula, you would use nPr = n! / (n – r)!.

How many teams of 3 students can be chosen from a group of 12 students?

How many different committees can be formed? Question 707914: You must select a committee of 3 from 12 students. How many different committees can be formed? There are 12*11*10 = 1320 different ways to choose 3 students from 12 assuming order matters.

How many ways can 12 students get into groups of 4?

In how many ways can we divide 12 students in groups of fours. A group of 4 can be chosen from 12 students is : 4C12=495 which is wrong answer and answer is 5775 Please help on this..

How many ways can a committee of 3 Be Chosen 10?


How many combinations of 3 students can be selected from a group of 9 students?

Therefore, the 3 groups can be chosen 84 x 20 x 1 = 1680 ways. However, since the order of the 3 groups doesn’t matter, we have to divide 1680 by 3!. Hence, the number of ways 9 people can be divided into 3 groups is 1680/3! = 1680/6 = 280.

How many ways are there to select a group of 3 students from 5 students?

60 ways

What is the permutation formula?

One could say that a permutation is an ordered combination. The number of permutations of n objects taken r at a time is determined by the following formula: P(n,r)=n! (n−r)!

How many combinations of 1234 are there?

24 permutations

What is the formula for combinations and permutations?

The formula for permutations and combinations are related as: nCr = nPr/r!

What is r in combination formula?

The formula for combinations is nCr = n! / r! * (n – r)!, where n represents the number of items, and r represents the number of items being chosen at a time.

How many combinations of 3 numbers are there?

720 possibilities

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