How much did a car cost in 1937?

How much did a car cost in 1937?

Average cost for house rent $26.00 per month. A loaf of bread 9 cents. A pound of hamburger meat 12 cents. Average price for new car $760.00.

How much did a movie cost in 1937?

The “Great Depression”. In 1933, the inflation-adjusted cost of a movie theater ticket was $6.14 – by 1937, this number had dropped all the way back down to $3.97 (inflation adjusted) as Americans struggled to afford nights out.

How much did a dozen eggs cost in 1937?

1937: 36 cents In 1937, a dozen eggs would set you back 36 cents, or about $6.40 in today’s dollars.

How much was a movie ticket in the 1950s?

In 1950, a person could purchase a movie ticket for a mere 46 cents on average.

How much was a movie in 1973?

Adjusted for inflation, that $1.76 movie ticket in 1973 would cost $9.26 today. Movies “still stand out as a less expensive out-of-home experience,” Corcoran says.

How much did it cost to go to the movies during the Great Depression?

During the Great Depression, the financially bruised and battered everyman could temporarily escape his woes by paying 25 cents to go to the movies. Ironically, some of the most popular movies depicted the superrich, clothed in satin gowns, and top hats and tails.

How much did it cost to go to the movies in 1933?

Back in 1933, the average price of a movie ticket was a quarter. Of course, everything’s more expensive in New York, so Friday’s opening screening of the Mae West-Cary Grant classic “I’m No Angel,” paired with vintage trailers and cartoons, will set you back a grand total of — ready? — 35 cents.

How much was a movie ticket in 2000?

Ticket prices weren’t always that high, though. In 2000, the average cost of going to the movies was $5.39. Back in 1910, the first moviegoers only paid mere cents to enjoy a flick. Even if you were to adjust for inflation, the price of tickets today is still pretty staggering.

How much did a movie ticket cost in 1915?

If you were buying movie tickets in 1915, they’d typically cost 10 to 15 cents if you were a kid. (But if you were seeing the new movie “Birth of a Nation,” tickets were $2; it was a big-budget movie for its time.)

How much did a movie ticket cost in 2011?

Annual Average U.S. Ticket Price

Year Price
2013 $8.13
2012 $7.96
2011 $7.93
2010 $7.89

How much did a movie ticket cost in 2010?

The average movie ticket price for 2010 ended up being $7.89, after the average cost jumped to $8.01 in the fourth quarter. It was the first time that the cost of admission ever jumped the $8 mark. The National Assn.

How much are movie tickets in America?

Average ticket price at U.S. movie theaters 1980-2019 In 2019, moviegoers in the United States had to pay an average ticket price of 9.16 U.S. dollars. This marks an increase from 2017 where the average ticket price was 8.93 U.S. dollars.

How much is it per person at the movies?

Regal Ticket Prices

Children (<11 years) $10.00 – $13.00
Adults $13.00 – $16.50
Seniors (ages 60+) $10.00 – $13.00
Student Discount (with valid ID)* 0% – 15% of adult price

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