How much is an Australian florin worth today?

How much is an Australian florin worth today?

Pretty much any florin prior to 1920 can be worth a few multiples of silver value even in very poor grades. But more importantly the key date 1932 florin and 1939 florin can be worth $100+ in well circulated grades up to several thousand in pristine uncirculated grades.

What is a 1943 Australian florin worth?

What is a 1943 Australian florin coin worth?

VG F Unc
$16 $18 $95+

What is a 1946 Australian florin worth?

approximately $100,000

What is a 1952 Australian florin worth?

Florin 1952 value The melt and minimum value of a Florin 1952 is $6.35.

What is a 1962 Florin worth?

VG F Unc
$8.00 $9.00 $27+

How much is a 1921 Florin worth?

Florin 1921 value The melt and minimum value of a Florin 1921 is £3.41.

How much is a 1921 threepence worth?

What is a 1921 Australian threepence coin worth?

VG F aUnc
$7 $20 $900

How much are half crowns worth?

The half crown was a denomination of British money, equivalent to two shillings and sixpence, or one-eighth of a pound.

How much is a 1920 half crown worth?

Value Range

$5.90 $8.10 $78

What year half crowns are valuable?

From the reign of Elizabeth I Half Crowns were issued in every reign until the coins were discontinued in 1967. The Half Crown did not display its value on the reverse until 1893. They are very collectible antique coins and are very popular as such.

How much is a 1926 half crown worth?

Half Crown 1926 value The melt and minimum value of a Half Crown 1926 is £4.32.

How much is a 1936 half crown worth?

Value Range

$5.90 $28.00

What is a 1927 half crown worth?

Value Range

$5.90 $10.00 $73

How much is a 1948 half crown worth?

Value Range

$0.25 $10.00

How much is a 1918 half crown worth?

Date Description Price $
1918 Half Crown (weak) $45

How much is a 1967 half crown worth today?

Value Range

$0.20 $3.00

How much is a 1913 half crown worth?

Value Range

$16.50 $230

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