How much is Reflectly worth?
Choose to sign up for $47.99/year or try the seven-day free trial. Rate your day with an adjustable face emoji, answer some questions, and write some reflections for your day. Next, it asks you an optional question to think more deeply about your day.
How good is Reflectly?
Reflectly rates five stars and a series of glowing reviews on the app store. “I love this app because it’s very straightforward and minimally functional,” writes one user. “Some apps try too hard to make you write or log every little emotion you were feeling throughout the day and it makes you stressed and anxious.”
What is the best journaling app?
13 Convenient Journal Apps You’ll Actually Use
- Reflection.
- Jour.
- Zinnia Journal & Planner.
- Prompted Journal.
- My Diary.
- Five Minute Journal.
- Longwalks.
- Reflect. This guided daily journal is relaxing to use simply because its interface is so soothing in and of itself.
What is the best free journal app?
- Journey – Best Travel Journal App for Android.
- Daybook – Best Free Journal App.
- Flexible Journal – Custom Journal App.
- Luci – Journal App for Dreams.
- Universum – Best Daily Journal App.
- Daylio – Journal App for Android.
- Diary Book – Travel Journal App for Android.
- Penzu – Bullet Journal App.
How do you use Penzu?
To Start Writing in a Journal With Penzu
- Grab your phone, computer or tablet.
- Make sure you are connected to WiFi.
- Go to to create an account.
- Enter your name, email and a password for your account.
- Download the apps.
- Log in and begin writing!
Can you add pictures to Penzu?
Penzu’s unique photo insertion really brings your entries to life. Simply upload images using the easy uploading tool, and click “Insert” to have a thumbnail appear in the margin. To enlarge the thumbnail, just roll over the thumbnail.
How do you write your feelings in a journal?
Try these tips to help you get started with journaling:
- Try to write every day. Set aside a few minutes every day to write.
- Make it easy. Keep a pen and paper handy at all times.
- Write or draw whatever feels right. Your journal doesn’t need to follow any certain structure.
- Use your journal as you see fit.
Can you share Penzu?
With Penzu you can selectively share entries from your online journal via email or public link. You also get the option to share anonymously, and any edits you make to your entry will appear in the public version.
Can you export from Penzu?
You can easily export your entries to multiple formats from your Entries page.
Can you print from Penzu?
Remember, Penzu has a feature that automatically saves your work after 30 seconds. Print: If you want to print your entry, press on this button and you will have a hardcopy of your entry.
What is the best online diary?
Best Journal and Diary Apps and Websites
- Penzu. (
- Day One. (
- Diaro. (
- My Wonderful Days. (
- Journey. (
- Momento. (
- LiveJournal. (
- Evernote. (
Is Google keep good for journaling?
Google’s privacy policy makes Google Docs “the worst imaginable place to keep a journal or diary,” according to Mark Weinstein, privacy advocate and founder of social media platform MeWe. “If you keep these on Google, beware — your thoughts are not private at all.”