How much oil does a Harley fork take?
Fill It. With the 49mm fork tube fully extended; pour, slightly more than, 24 fl. oz. of fork oil into the fork tube.
What weight is Harley fork oil?
Standard type E fork oil is supposedly around 7 to 10 weight, regular SE approximately 20 weight, and the heavy duty racing SE is around 30 weight.
What kind of oil goes in Harley Forks?
HDFOH Heavy Duty Fork Oil Heavy (SAE 40, 1 Quart)
How much fork oil do I need Sportster?
“Dry fork requires . 5 to 1.0oz more than the wet amount due to residual oil left clinging inside the fork.” Use 20 weight for average conditions.
How do you check the fork oil on a Harley Davidson?
Push the fork oil level gauge handle all the way into the gauge. Set the metal ring on top of the fork and insert the gauge tube into the fork. Pull the fork oil level gauge all the way up to suck out any excess oil in the fork tube. Expel the excess oil into a drain pan and repeat the process for the other fork tube.
How often should you change Harley fork oil?
How often should you change your fork oil? That is a very good question. It’s been quoted as every year, every two years, every 30,000 miles, every 50,000 miles and more. The best thing is to check around or ask Mike the Harley Mechanic expert.
How much does a fork service cost?
Basic service is just that: basic. You will need some tools and supplies which will likely cost you $80-150 depending on what you got and what you want to do. For your annual service, you should do lowers service on the fork and your air can on the rear shock.
When should I service my bike fork?
Forks need regular periodic maintenance. We recommend cleaning and lubrication refills (lower leg service) every 25 riding hours, and a full service (strip down, seal replacement and full oil change) every 200 hours.
How much is a suspension service?
You might be wondering how much a repair of the suspension is going to set you back. You need to look at the cost to repair or replace the suspension, plus the labor cost that will be associated with taking your car to an auto mechanic. The average cost of a suspension repair is between $1,000-$5,000.
How often should you service suspension?
*EVERY 30 HOURS OF RIDING: Your fork should be disassembled, inspected, cleaned and re-grease. If the fork appears to be relatively clean, you can go 40 hours between servicing. If the fork appears excessively dirty you should service it every 20 hours.
How do I know if my bike needs suspension?
- No damping. You’d have thought even the most mechanically unsympathetic of riders would notice this, but it’s not always the case.
- Leaking oil. We’re always surprised at how many people we see with shocks that are obviously leaking.
- Adjusters not moving properly.
- Leaking air.
- Squelchy noises.
Measure 11.2 fluid ounces, which is 300 milliliters, of Harley Davidson fork oil or the equivalent into a measuring cup. Pour the fork oil into the top of a dry FLH fork from which you have removed both the fork cap bolt and the fork tube plug but not the fork spring.
How much oil does a Harley Fatboy take?
Three quarts of engine oil and one quart of primary oil.
How much oil do I put in my forks?
Pull cartridge rod up about 2″ & pour oil in forks, not in cartridge rod, to about 1″ from the top, then pump the cartridge rod until it feels consistant. Add oil as nec to keep it from sucking air when you pump the rod. Then suck the oil down to 130mm from the top with everything collapsed.
Can you change fork oil without removing forks?
You will need to remove the caps to refill the fork tubes with oil. Determine if the fork legs have oil drain plugs near the bottom of the legs. If they do, you are in luck and will be able to change the oil without removing the fork legs.
Does fork oil go bad?
Yes I’ve been using the same open quart of fork oil for almost 10 years. As long as it’s not contaminated, it’s fine to use.
How long does fork oil last?
The oil in your fork loses lubricity, gets dirty, and should be changed every 10,000 miles or once a year.
What does heavier fork oil do?
Heavier oil will increase the effective damping, in other words the forks will move up and down a little slower and feel stiffer. Lighter weight oil will do the opposite, allowing the forks to move up and down faster and feel softer.
What happens when fork seals leak?
Basically, something as simple as a leaky fork seal can ruin a ride or race day. Fork seals leak from normal wear and tear, age, and debris getting into the seals. Imperfections and nicks in the chrome can also make your fork seals leak.
Is it safe to ride with leaking fork seals?
You should notride with a bad fork seal for many reasons, safety being number one. A bad fork seal could leak oil onto your brake calipers, resulting in trouble decelerating and stopping the bike. That, plus poor shock absorption and an unbalanced ride makes a leaky fork seal dangerous to ride on.
What happens if you don’t replace fork seals?
If fork seals are not changed. The oil can leak on to the disc caliper and can cause accident. The forks will become hard over time and instead of less price, only for oil seals. You might have to change the fork rods and head bearings too later on.
Can you ride with blown fork seals?
Yes you can ride with blown seals. Is it the best? No, it can put extra wear on the fork internals.
How do you know if you blew a fork seal?
The telltale sign of bad fork seals is that they no longer do their job of keeping the oil in the forks. Evidence of this is oil on the outside of the fork lowers and sometimes on the brake calipers, pads and discs as well, which is not a good thing when you want to stop.
How much does it cost to have your fork seals replaced?
Approximate Total Cost: $50 – $200 + 3-6 Hours of work If your relatively handy and feel up to the task of replacing your own fork seals than this is what you would be looking to spend in both time and parts cost.
How do you replace fork seals without removing forks?
Yes. Pull the bolt out that secures the cartridge to the lower fork leg and the forks will come apart. Put a seal in with a split type fork seal driver. Then you pull the cap and separate from cartridge to pull the spring to set the fork oil level.
How hard is it to change fork seals?
Replacing your fork seals is an easy enough job if you know a few tricks. The first step to any DIY job is to do a little research and get all the parts you’ll need for the job. You’ll at least need the new seals and fork oil but should also consider wipers, bushings and any seals or o-rings for the caps.
Should I replace fork seals?
Once both the forks are clean, take your bike out for a quick spin. If you notice oil or grime around the forks at the end of your ride, there’s a good chance that the fork seals need to be replaced. To prevent any further damage, you should get the seals replaced.
Is it hard to change fork seals on a motorcycle?
Fortunately, fork-seal replacement is generally uncomplicated. As always, the task is easier if you get your tools and supplies ready. You’ll need whatever tools are necessary to remove the fork tubes from the bike, plus a hex socket to fit the socket-head bolt securing damping rod or cartridge.