Ideas for the second version of the Methodology course

It is possible, it is not safe but it is possible that next year will be new to make the Methodology course. A course that, as he had raised in his time, there is that change.

Now, they are still true that:

  1. Pass the ‘theory’ of the methodology it seems to me absurd. I know now that it is necessary (without a good knowledge of the manual there is no way to be able to obviate the manual), but still somewhat unpleasant in terms personale.
  2. To pass the methodology and practice of poor students who are just starting good, is absurd also. But it is not absurd to show good practice.
  3. If of do exercises this is, exercising small, evaluated, and carried out in classes.

In other words, we should take advantage of the course is that it has 2 blocks and 1 assistantship to split the task of the following form:

  • Block I: The theory of the methodology. All the concepts, recommendations, ideas that -well – the manual says that you have to take into account.
  • Block II: The practice of the methodology. Choose a 15/16 good research that show a little bit of what is really the matter.
  • Assistantship: Exercises (you can also do some exercises in catédra). The exercises should be independent to allow people to not be disadvantaged by a first basic problem.

Now, and how what I find most interesting (and what I hope to be able to spend more time if you actually took the course) is the choice of the 15-16 research, then a first listing:

  1. UNDP would say the Report 1998 and 2006.
  2. The Report of the Decency. It will be qualitative and the course is quantitative but it is a very good research that deserves to be known (and it is a very good example of how to do a good research when your initial ideas are not shown to be very fruitful, and as going far beyond -in this case – a simple ‘it didn’t work the hypothesis’)
  3. Getting a Job Granovetter (would have to translate it, but it serves to show how you can do interesting things without much statistical apparatus)
  4. Survey to MARRY (how does the large-scale research, as an example of the studies papers, official and all that) Or perhaps you might use a survey of the CONACE -he has a good deputy methodological
  5. Axelrod and Tit-for-Tat. To show you how can discuss in the social sciences to tip of simulations with computers (in addition it is entertaining and can help them to understand dilemmas of the prisoner and those things)
  6. Uses of Time. I’m not sure yes use the chilean, but perhaps the German and the australian are able to serve. To get out of the idea that doing surveys is to ask attitudes. And see, in particular, as all the methodological problems are inseparable from the conceptual problems and practical.
  7. To use a classic, the American Soldier could be (translating what we appropriate and use)

Hmm, I can think of others, but are, perhaps, too subjective, we will have to discuss with other people the system.

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