In the not controllers of social security benefits

In the not controllers of social benefits. Work between law and equity
A book by Anne-Lise Ulmann (L’harmattan, coll. “Share and learn “, 2010)

The work of Anne-Lise Ulmann In the not controllers of social benefits is in line with the works of Alexis Spire1, Yasmine Siblot2 and Nicolas Duvoux 3 which are intended to show the ” behind the scenes of the welfare state “4. From a field survey conducted to the sides of the controllers of the social benefits (explained and justified in chapter 7) the work, which is beautiful with the views of the respondents, we follow the work of the controller step by step : the survey (chapter 3), taking notes (chapter 4), the drafting of the final report (chapter 5). The book opens “in the footsteps of Daniel” controller sworn in to the family allowances Fund. Daniel has accepted that the author follows closely the work of control : the order of the day for an appointment with the director of a primary school for a report of absences from school, verification of identity of a lady seeking political asylum. Visit the home of the people, go to the Assedic.

The first part of the book (two chapters) draw the new arrangement of institutional Funds family allowance. Face at the same time modernized, managerial and technocratic. The Funds for family allowances are taken up in the whirlwind of modernisation of enterprises and public institutions, new vision following the literature in management, which aims to transform the relationship with the “users” of the Funds of the family allowance. In order to pacify the relationship with the ” beneficiaries “, they must be considered as customers. In addition to the change in semantics, this new deal re-draws the figure of the controller of social security benefits. It acquires a new visibility, its functions are expanding but at the same time that procedures and tools that govern its practices (a privacy control organizes its work). The control function is currently deploys in a political context of widespread suspicion against the recipients, that the figure of the con artist used to collect. If the control function is now an imperative never called into question, she faces the constraints of the organization and the optimization of the ratio cost/efficiency : as the controls are they all in the large sums and, as a consequence, those most vulnerable.

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