Is dependable a skill?
Personal skills are recognised as soft skills which are not easy to teach (although not impossible). They are also known as interpersonal or even ‘people’ skills. Examples include dependability, adaptability, motivation, problem-solving, and analytical skills.
How do you demonstrate dependability at work?
Following are seven ways to show people you’re dependable.
- Do what you say you will do. If you make a commitment, live up to it.
- Be timely. Showing up on time shows people you care.
- Be responsive. When you’re dependable, you respond to requests.
- Be organized.
- Be accountable.
- Follow up.
- Be consistent.
How would you describe your dependability?
Dependability—A trustworthy person is dependable. They honor their commitments by being reliable. If they say they are going to do something, they do it. A dependable person builds trust by holding him/herself accountable, and if they lead others, holding their team members accountable as well.
What is a dependable employee?
A dependable employee not only shows up for work on time every day but also produces consistent work. Gradually, they become an essential team player in the company as they build a strong working relationship; not only with management but with their colleagues as well.
What is the meaning of dependable?
capable of being trusted or depended on
What is a sentence for dependable?
(1) I find him very dependable. (2) I need someone dependable to look after the children while I’m at work. (3) She is loyal and totally dependable. (4) He’s established himself as a dependable source of information.
How do you say someone is dependable?
- reliable. adjective. a reliable person is someone who you can trust to behave well, work hard, or do what you expect them to do.
- trustworthy. adjective. able to be trusted as being honest, safe, or reliable.
- consistent. adjective.
- sound. adjective.
- secure. adjective.
- dependable. adjective.
- responsible. adjective.
- steady. adjective.
How would you describe a reliable employee?
Reliability is essential to employee performance. Reliability consists of the extent to which an individual or other entity may be counted on to do what is expected of him. For example, a reliable employee is one who shows up for work on time and is prepared to complete his work in a timely manner.
How do you describe reliability?
(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : suitable or fit to be relied on : dependable. 2 : giving the same result on successive trials.
What does dependability mean?
the quality of being able to be relied on; trustworthiness or constancy:How grateful he was for his partner’s calmness and steadfast dependability, carefully managing their affairs year after year.
What is a sentence for sadness?
Sadness sentence example. There was sadness in her voice. Nothing could explain the sadness she felt at that discovery. Her sadness had nothing to do with not appreciating their fortune.
How do you use magnanimity in a sentence?
Magnanimity in a Sentence ?
- The losing team was surprised by the winners’ magnanimity when they graciously invited them to the after party.
- Moved by magnanimity, the boxing champion reached his hand out to congratulate the runner-up on putting up a good fight ?
What’s the meaning of magnanimity?
1 : the quality of being magnanimous : loftiness of spirit enabling one to bear trouble calmly, to disdain meanness and pettiness, and to display a noble generosity He had the magnanimity to forgive her for lying about him.
What is a sentence for magnanimous?
Magnanimous sentence example. I must be magnanimous and truly great. His heart was kind and his affections were strong; he was magnanimous and disinterested, simple and honest.
What’s the meaning of magnanimous?
1 : showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit the irreproachable lives and magnanimous sufferings of their followers— Joseph Addison.
Is Magnanimous a compliment?
Magnanimous describes people who are generous in overlooking injury or insult and being high-minded and unselfish: “Forgiving her friend for betraying her was a very magnanimous gesture.” Magnanimous also refers to people who are “good winners.” For example: “The coach taught his players to be magnanimous in their …
What is the meaning of portentous?
1 : of, relating to, or constituting a portent suspense, portentous foreshadowing, hints of sinister and violent mysteries— Francine Prose. 2 : eliciting amazement or wonder : prodigious.
Who is a magnanimous person?
A magnanimous person has a generous spirit. Magnanimous comes from Latin magnus “great” and animus “soul,” so it literally describes someone who is big-hearted. A person can show that over-sized spirit by being noble or brave, or by easily forgiving others and not showing resentment.
What is a word for being the bigger person?
What is a magnanimous relationship?
Magnanimous comes from the Latin word ‘Magnus’ which means “great” and the Latin word ‘animus’ which means “soul,” put together it means ‘great-soul’ It literally describes someone who is big-hearted and can easily forgive others without showing resentment. …
What does euphony mean?
1 : pleasing or sweet sound especially : the acoustic effect produced by words so formed or combined as to please the ear. 2 : a harmonious succession of words having a pleasing sound.
What is an example of euphony?
An example of euphony is the end of Shakespeare’s famous “Sonnet 18,” which goes “So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, / So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.” The word euphony comes from the Greek word meaning “good sound.” The word euphony is itself slightly euphonic because of its soft sounds.
What does perspicuity mean?
Perspicuity refers to something that can be seen through, i.e., to lucidity, clearness of style or exposition, freedom from obscurity: the perspicuity of her argument.
What are harsh sounding words called?
cacophony \ka-KAH-fuh-nee\ noun. 1 : harsh or discordant sound : dissonance]; specifically : harshness in the sound of words or phrases.