Is fuel line measured ID or OD?

Is fuel line measured ID or OD?

Tubing is OD (outside diameter) and Pipe is ID (inside diameter). So the easiest way to tell the size of your fuel line, which is tubing, is to use a combination wrench. Whichever one slips over snuggly is the winner.

What size is fuel line?

Recommended Size, Based on Horsepower

Recommended Fuel Line Size (from the tank to the pump)
Engine Output Size (inches) Size (AN)
350-450 hp 3/8 in. -6
450-650 hp 1/2 in. -8
650-1,000 hp 5/8 in. -10

How is fuel line size measured?

Place the top of a 1/4-inch wrench with an open end over the fuel line. Slide it carefully over the line so that it fits snugly against the tubing. Read the wrench’s measurements to determine the diameter of the fuel line. Calipers are used to measure distance between two sides of one object.

How big is a fuel line?

Most stock applications came with 5/16-inch fuel line, but for many street vehicles and mild race applications 3/8-inch (AN 6) fuel line is a good upgrade. High performance applications and racers using alcohol will use 1/2-inch (AN 8) fuel line.

Can a fuel line be too big?

The fuel line size being too large won’t really affect the fuel pressure. Excessive fuel pressure is what can cause the fuel to overrun the needle/seats and flood the motor with excess fuel. That being said running a -8AN fuel line is beyond overkill for a 340 but it shouldn’t adversely affect it.

Are bigger fuel lines better?

The bigger a pipe, the higher potential volume. Raising pressure does not increase volume, the opposite actually happens. When you buy a fuel pump, look for the flow rating at specific pressure, as some will mislead you by stating flow rate at zero psi.

What size is metal fuel line?


What size is an 6 fuel line?

For example: a 3/8″ standard hose equals -6 AN. The line drawings below depict actual sizes of the various common AN thread sizes by dash number….Russell Performance Technical Support.

AN Size Metal Tube O.D. Thread Size
-5 AN 5/16″ 1/2″ – 20 SAE
-6 AN 3/8″ 9/16″ – 18 SAE
-8 AN 1/2″ 3/4″ – 16 SAE

What size is 8AN fuel line?

The Good News

Male Thread Size AN Size* Equivalent Tube Size (Nominal OD)
7/16-20 4AN 1/4″
9/16-18 6AN 3/8″
3/4-16 8AN 1/2″
7/8-14 10AN 5/8″

What does an mean in fuel line?

AN tubing was designed to create a standard that could provide a flexible alternative to hard line tubing for aircraft and military vehicles. AN stands for Army Navy and is measured in AN Sizing.

What are the different types of fuel lines?

Fuel line is a petroleum-resistant nitrile tube with a covering that resists weathering, ozone and heat and can be used for ethanol-laced fuels and diesel fuel.

What is fuel line kit?

Most fuel line kits feature AN fuel lines and fittings, and you can use our powerful search tools to find kits that include filters, regulators, distribution blocks, pumps, rails, and more. …

Is stainless steel good for fuel line?

The inner liner is PTFE while the stainless steel outer (if you choose that) is 308 stainless steel braid. This hose is good for fuel systems including nitromethane and alcohol. It may also be used for brake lines, clutch lines, nitrous lines, hydraulics, transmission lines, power steering and vacuum lines.

Is Copper good for fuel lines?

Copper tubing makes an attractive and permanent oil or fuel line and connections. Here are a few hints that might be helpful in working with copper tubing. To begin with, new copper tubing is much easier to work with than old tubing. This is because it is softer.

Can you use aluminum for fuel lines?

Aluminum tubing can be used for everything from fuel, transmission, and oil supply lines, even vacuum and coolant lines. Aluminum tubing should never be used for pressurized brake lines.

What are car fuel lines made of?

All fuel lines which are fastened to the body, frame, or engine are of seamless steel tubing. Steel springs are also wound around the tubing at certain points to protect against damage. Wherever fuel line is replaced, only steel tubing should be used.

Can I run all rubber fuel lines?

Yes, it can be used. No, it’s not the best way to run fuel to the carb. That being said, I ran rubber 3/8″ fuel injection grade line from the hard line on the frame to the fuel pump, then around the front of the engine compartment to the drivers side, & then to the carb inlet of my 6cyl.

Why are fuel lines braided?

Braided nitrile hose does allow fuel to permeate through. Use this hose and you will have the smell of fuel around the vehicle. No fuel leaks just the smell.

How much fuel does a fuel line use?

According to the American Petroleum Institute the gas-pump hose typically retains about one third of a gallon of fuel. So when you pump a couple gallons of 93-octane premium after the previous customer pumped 87-octane regular, your fuel load would be diluted (not to mention overpriced).

How much HP will a 5/16 fuel line support?

If you’re just cruising around with a carbed SBC, you’ll probably be fine with a 5/16″ line up to about 500 HP because you’ll never tax the system enough to starve the motor of fuel.

What are fuel systems?

A vehicle’s fuel system comprises components that deliver fuel from the tank to the engine, including a fuel pump, fuel lines, a fuel-pressure regulator, fuel filter and fuel injectors. Fuel system components are built to last, so the fuel filter is the only part that’s likely to require replacement on a schedule.

Does a fuel return line have pressure?

In return-type systems, fuel is returned at a lower pressure than that found in the feed line or fuel rail. These can be replaced and upgraded as required. These regulators work by allowing the line pressure to build to a level higher than normal line pressure before venting excess pressure back to the tank.

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