Is mIRC still alive?

Is mIRC still alive?

So if you’re wondering what has happened to the mIRC, you can rest assured that they’re still alive and kicking (surprise, surprise?). mIRC, known as Internet Relay Chat, started in 1995, was truly the ancestor of modern instant messaging.

How do I set up IRC?

How to Set Up and Use Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

  1. Step 1 Download & Install XChat. GNU/Linux users, download XChat from here.
  2. Step 2 Configure XChat and Connect to a Channel. Open up XChat and change all of the settings to your liking, such as your nick, auto-identify password and startup networks.
  3. Step 3 Register a Nickname.

How do I get IRC channels?

Web-based Channel Lists

  1. Multiple network channel search:
  2. For each search site below, just enter channel name or topic keyword and select “Search”:
  5. EFnet Channel Search.

How do I download using mIRC?

You can download mIRC by clicking on the Download mIRC button on the right. If you are already using mIRC, this download will upgrade your current version of mIRC to the latest version and will keep your existing settings. Once the download has finished, you can run the installer to install mIRC.

How do I use mIRC?

Tutorial: How to Use mIRC to Connect to IRC

  1. Step 1 — Install mIRC. Download and Install mIRC from the official mIRC webpage.
  2. Step 2 — Run mIRC.
  3. Step 3 — Choose a Server.
  4. Step 4 — Create a Nickname.
  5. Step 5 — Join a Channel.
  6. Step 6 — Create Your Own Channel.

How does IRC serve to people?

IRC is mainly designed for group communication in discussion forums, called channels, but also allows one-on-one communication via private messages as well as chat and data transfer, including file sharing. Client software is available for every major operating system that supports Internet access.

What does mean in IRC?

Internet Relay Chat

How do I leave an IRC channel?

You can leave a channel by clicking the channel window close button, or you can use the /part command, which is another Basic IRC command similar to /join. The format of the /part command is /part #channel where #channel is the name of the channel you want to leave.

How do you ban someone on IRC?

Banning in channels are done most commonly with the channel mode +b. The IRC command for banning is: /mode #chan +b nickname! username@hostname.

How do I chat on IRC?

What is IRC cloud?

IRCCloud is an IRC client with a future. Stay connected, chat from anywhere, and never miss a message. IRCCloud is an IRC client with a future. Stay connected, chat from anywhere, and never miss a message.

What is a IRC server?

IRC, short for Internet Relay Chat, is a great way for individuals and teams to communicate and work together. IRC servers on the internet accept and relay messages to connected users, each of whom is running an IRC client. The clients all use the IRC protocol, a set of agreed upon rules for communication.

What is IRC Nick?

NICK <nickname> (RFC 2812) Allows a client to change their IRC nickname. Hopcount is for use between servers to specify how far away a nickname is from its home server. Defined in RFC 1459; the optional parameter was removed in RFC 2812.

How do I register a nickname on IRC?


  1. Select a master, “primary”, nickname.
  2. Switch to your desired nickname.
  3. Register your IRC nick: /msg NickServ REGISTER YourPassword [email protected].
  4. It’s useful, but not required, to have an alternate nick grouped to your account.

How do I connect to freenode IRC?

You can connect to freenode by pointing your IRC client at on ports 6665-6667 and 8000-8002 for plain-text connections, or ports 6697, 7000 and 7070 for TLS-encrypted connections.

How do I connect to IRC in terminal?

IRC Console Client After installing irssi, you may type “irssi” in a terminal and the program will initiate. To connect to the “MegaGlest” IRC room like we did previously, you may type “/SERVER” and press enter, and then type “/JOIN #megaglest” and hit enter again and you’re good to go.

How do I register freenode?

  1. Connect to the freenode network. /connect
  2. Change your nickname. /nick nickname.
  3. Register your user name. /msg nickserv register [password] [email address]
  4. Check your email and verify your account. You should immediately receive a verification email.
  5. Log in to freenode.

Is IRCCloud safe?

Your IRCCloud session and data are always secure and private, but embedded media may load insecurely. Also, be aware that embedding external media may result in your IP address being revealed to the external service, even for secure content.

How do I delete my IRCCloud account?

Go to IRCCloud, sign in, click ‘Settings’, scroll down, enter your password in ‘Delete your account’, and confirm.

How do I log into IRC?

Connect to an IRC Network

  1. Press on the + in the top left corner.
  2. Press Add Network and select the IRC network from the list you would like to join or press Custom Network and enter the details.
  3. Enter the name of the chat room you would like to join or select the chat room(s) from the list and then press Join.

How Safe Is IRC?

IRC, by default, does not use encryption [1]. You can, however, use SSL on top of TCP if both the client and server support it [2]. Be careful, most networks have multiple servers and they might not communicate in a secure way. Also, DCC connections (direct connections to other IRC users) might not be encrypted.

Is IRC a social media?

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a social networking platform.

Is discord just IRC?

Discord, overwhelmingly. Every IRC community I used to be a part of even a year ago has made the jump. Discord provides seamless cloud message logging, mobile notifications, intuitive clients, a huge ecosystem of easy-to-use bots, and integration with games that just works without the user having to set anything up.

Is IRC open source?

What is IRC? IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is one of the main communication channels for open source projects. You can freely join a channel that suits your interests if you are looking for help or interested in contributing.

Why did IRC die?

According to Lederer, the decline in IRC usage has many possible reasons behind it: Lederer lists large and prolonged DDoS attacks in the early 2000s as one main reason behind the decline. The attacks disrupted many IRC networks, including the most popular ones, and crippled the chat experience for users.

When was IRC invented?


Is IRC chat still around?

Today, there are still over 2,000 IRC servers and almost 500 IRC networks (groups of affiliated servers) operating worldwide. Even though IRC’s population is only a fraction of what it used to be, a core group of people who just want basic text chat are still on there chatting to this day.

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