Is Thai Basil the same as normal basil?

Is Thai Basil the same as normal basil?

The main difference between Thai basil and holy basil is their flavor. Thai basil has a sweet, anise quality whereas holy basil is found to be spicy and peppery. Holy basil can often be called Thai holy basil making it confusing to differentiate that they are, in fact, not the same herb.

Can you use regular basil in Thai cooking?

No problem! Some recipes call for Thai basil, a pungent variety that can be hard to find in grocery stores. To duplicate its flavor, use common “Italian” basil and add a few fresh mint sprigs to the recipe.

How does Thai basil taste?

Widely used throughout Southeast Asia, its flavor, described as anise- and licorice-like and slightly spicy, is more stable under high or extended cooking temperatures than that of sweet basil. Thai basil has small, narrow leaves, purple stems, and pink-purple flowers.

What is Thai basil used for?

Thai basil stands up to cooking a little better than sweet basil, making it a good choice for soups, stir-fries, and curries. It can also be eaten raw sprinkled over salads or cold noodles dishes, and used interchangeably with sweet basils in most recipes.

Should I let my Thai basil flower?

Check your basil plants frequently for flowers, and if you see any, pinch them off right away. If the flower stems are too woody to pinch (often the case with Thai basil), cut them off with shears. A plant allowed to flower will soon go to seed, stop growing, and die, so be vigilant about removing flowers.

Is Thai basil good for you?

Thai Basil is a great and excellent source of vitamins and essential nutrients. There are a lot of other nutrients, vitamins and minerals present in Thai basil that are not listed here such as vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acid.

Can you eat too much Thai basil?

When taken by mouth: Basil is LIKELY SAFE when consumed in food amounts. When taken by mouth as a medicine, basil is POSSIBLY UNSAFE. Basil herb and basil oil contain estragole. Estragole is a chemical that might increase the risk of getting liver cancer.

What are the benefits of eating basil?

It has compounds that can help to alleviate anxiety and depression, increase your ability to think clearly, and lower the risk for age-related memory loss. Essential oils in basil, including eugenol, linalool, and citronellol, can help to fight inflammation in the body.

Can you have too much basil?

Basil is a versatile herb when used in moderation. It can brighten up a large number of savory dishes, especially those that include tomatoes. As with most herbs, its qualities can quickly become drawbacks when it is used in excess. Too much basil can make your food bitter and unpalatable.

What can you do with overabundance of basil?

How to Use Basil

  1. Top whole leaves onto pizza.
  2. Finish pasta with whole or thinly sliced leaves.
  3. Blend it into sauces.
  4. Puree it into soups.
  5. Chop it up to add to a salad.
  6. Use it to garnish avocado toast.
  7. Turn it into an ice cream topping! Jazz up vanilla ice cream with fresh strawberries, basil, and a balsamic reduction.

Can I put fresh basil in olive oil?

Puree: Use a food processor to puree the fresh basil leaves with olive oil. Use 1 tablespoon of olive oil per 1 cup of basil. Freeze: Freeze the pureed basil in an ice cube tray, then store in a large resealable plastic bag or freezer-safe container.

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