Is there an age limit to be a flower girl?

Is there an age limit to be a flower girl?

Flower girls are usually between the ages of four and seven, but there’s no firm rule. Some brides also opt to have a junior bridesmaid instead of or in addition to a flower girl; a junior bridesmaid is generally between 12 and 16. You may even choose not to have any flower girl at all!

Can a 10 year old be a bridesmaid?

A junior bridesmaid is a younger member of the wedding party who falls between the ages of a flower girl and bridesmaid (usually about eight to 16, or whatever ages you feel are appropriate). She might be a younger sister or sister-in-law, a niece, a cousin, a daughter, or a close family friend.

At what age does a flower girl become a bridesmaid?

The biggest difference between a flower girl and a bridesmaid is their age. Flower girls are typically under the age of 8, whereas junior bridesmaids are between 8 and 14. Junior bridesmaids carry a bouquet rather than a petal basket, and walk down the aisle just before the adult bridesmaids.

Does maid of honor walk first or last?

The maid or matron of honor is the last of the bride’s attendants to walk down the aisle, either alone or with the best man. The ring bearer walks in next. The flower girl walks in just before the bride.

Does the maid of honor walk by herself?

The maid of honor walks alone since the best man is already at the altar. Both the ring bearer and flower girl walk alone, and in that order. Optionally, they can walk together if you prefer. The bride walks down the aisle accompanied by her father on her right arm.

Who does maid of honor walk with?

Typically, the maid of honor walks down the aisle with the best man. If you have two MOHs but only one best man, you could either have him escort both MOHs down the aisle or tap another VIP (such as one of your brothers) to serve as a second escort.

Who walks out first at a wedding?

The Maid or Matron of Honor: The maid or matron of honor will walk alone after other members of the bridal party. The Flower Girl(s) and/or Ring Bearer(s): The children chosen will walk down the aisle one after the other. They can sit with their parents once they are done.

Who walks the bride down the aisle when the father is deceased?

Your mother’s boyfriend or spouse, or even your brother or uncle could walk you down the aisle, according to The Knot. The search doesn’t need to end there, however, because cousins or nephews can also escort you. Tradition held that only one person escorted the bride, but you can even choose two people to escort you.

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