Is three dog still alive?

Is three dog still alive?

Notes. Three Dog pre-records almost all of his broadcasts, and can never be seen actually operating the radio. If Three Dog dies, Margaret will become GNR’s broadcaster. However, she will be extremely unmotivated to do this job and mention that Three Dog was murdered, over and over again.

Where is dogmeat in the scrapyard?

The scrapyard is a salvage yard in the Capital Wasteland in 2277. Aside from heaps of junk vehicles, it is the place where Dogmeat (a possible companion) will first be encountered, fighting a small band of raiders.

How do you keep dogmeat alive?

In the Vault Dweller’s memoirs, it is disclosed that Dogmeat died in the Mariposa Military Base after running into a force field (although in the game, it is possible to survive the military base with Dogmeat alive – usually by sealing him inside different rooms to protect him from the super mutants).

How do I get dogmeat to stop following me in Fallout 1?

You can get rid of dogmeat by locking him in a room somewhere. Just find a room with a closeable door and no other exits, go in there, wait for him to follow, then run out and close the door behind you before he can follow.

Where is Tycho fallout1?

To recruit Tycho, the Vault Dweller must head to Junktown and be at the Skum Pitt located in the far northeastern part of the city at 5 o’clock. He will join indefinitely if having taken on Killian’s quest to deal with Gizmo. If Killian is dead, Tycho becomes unrecruitable.

How do you get Tandi as a companion?

Temporary companions

  1. After passing one week of in-game time, the Vault Dweller must return to Shady Sands and initiate the quest Rescue Tandi from the Raiders.
  2. She will automatically join once she is freed from her jail cell.

How old is Tandi?

In 2248, President Tandi would die from an unnamed illness at the age of 103, after a 52-year presidency. She was succeeded by her vice president, Joanna Tibbett. Her legacy lived on, however, and she remains the most popular and longest serving NCR president to date.

How can I get free Tandi?

There are numerous ways to rescue Tandi:

  1. Defeat all of the Khans and break her out.
  2. Fight Garl in unarmed combat for her release.
  3. Purchase her from Garl.
  4. Intimidate Garl for her release (45% Speech required).
  5. Quietly kill the two guards at the rear of the building and pick the lock on Tandi’s cell.
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