IV Encounter Network Studies of Science and Technology

IV Meeting of the Network of Studies of Science and Technology Network (esCTS)

4-6 June 2014 | Salamanca

IV Encuentro Red de Estudios de la Ciencia y la Tecnología

“Yes, I want, I go!”- yelled Lola Flores on the edge of despair at the wedding of her daughter Lolita in a moment iconic of grotesque cani… “If I want, I go!”: an appeal to the affection and the bond that wraps a kick in the ass. “Let go!… if I want to…”. What a true emotional blackmail that leads us to a paradox inmovilizadora? Or would they rather a paradox that mobilizes us and sample some of the contradictions in which we move at the current time? “If I want it, let go!” is what seems to have heard a lot of young people who have decided, giving examples of a great “restless traveler”, to jump into the path of the diaspora… Young and not so young people who say: “we’re not, we stack”, but which are presented by the authorities as an example of “outdoor mobility” –Fátima Báñez dixit.

Now that the scissors is responsible for cutting, removing, and slimming down the public services, the system of science and technology and the social life in general; now that is removed, health benefits, and to shorten the spectrum of the beneficiaries of public health care; now that rates rise and education is scholarship something unattainable, with the consequent expulsion of those with fewer resources of higher education; now that stall projects and contracts, training, making it impossible for the continuity of the work of many young people in the area of research; now we make our own the cry of “If I want, I go!”. -…

This cry is perhaps what best summarizes the kind of invitation blind and without warranties that seems to open up before our feet. Do the jump or kicker? But that phrase also contains the irony of the resistance. Shows the mechanisms of everyday for you to trace the lives livable, networks that act in the back room and they allow that, as dwarves, we are, let us make possible the work of care and maintenance that sustains the precarious fabric of science. Are not the giants of the “excellence”, the rankings of Shanghai, or of the impact indices which move the scientific activity, but myriads of dwarfs, of routine practices is nothing “heroic” work made invisible and not recognized.

So, we make our own the “If I want, I go!”, we put comb and decided to walk on that thin wire between absurdity and misery, between resistance and survival, between the suitcase and the precarious, between the aircraft and the overload of work, trying to make visible those informal spaces, these networks material and emotional care necessary but forgotten that allow us to sustain one another and to the scientific system.

Diasporas that speak of those who leave, but also of those who stay behind, of the possibilities and limitations of the voyage, the networks required for the same, of links mobilized for its establishment…

Care that emphasize that space in the day to day chores in the practices of knowledge, and that allow for their maintenance, from the systematic attention to the results of an experiment or observation in detail collected in an ethnographic work of the maintenance material and affective networks and people…

Backrooms and dwarves against the brightness of the supposed excellencies and the giants of the holders, all of that fundamental work that disappears from the spotlight and is devalued…

And resistances are built from those spaces made invisible.


The meeting is aimed at anyone interested in researching in the social studies of science and technology, in any of the multiple disciplines that traverse (history, sociology, history of science, philosophy of science, medicine, feminism, engineering, anthropology, psychology, environmental studies, law, gender, etc), regardless of their academic position or degree of training.

How to

For the moment, we are interested to receive proposals of formats (meetings and/or sessions that are not a traditional table with 3 or 4 papers) or panels (sessions traditional targeted toward a specific topic). In a second moment, when the formats and panels are established, will launch a second call for sending abstracts of communications or any other type of activity audio-visual. Send us your proposals and we’ll discuss it.

For submissions or queries, you can write to: [email protected]

  • Deadline of submissions of formats and panels: January 25, 2014
  • Date of acceptance of the communication formats and panels: 3 February 2014
  • The attendance at the meeting will be free and free.

Appeal to formats – IV Meeting of the Network of Social Studies of Science and Technology (PDF).

Network Studies of Science and Technology Network (esCTS)

The Network esCTS is a network of researchers whose objective is to put in contact and to foster the communication of the people who work in the area of the social studies of science and technology (CTS). Our intention is to consolidate the studies of CTS in the Spanish State, and to enable a space for participation, communication and reflection for lxs investigadorxs already establecidxs and for those more young people beginning their careers (doctorandxs and newly graduadxs).

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