Textbooks: try before you buy

Remember when Harry Potter got his letter from Hogwarts? And attached was a list of all the books he needed to buy? Remember wanting that exact list, rushing out to Flourish and Blotts and buying each and every one of them? The only bit J.K. Rowling didn’t mention was that he probably didn’t need half […]

A View from the Library Reading List Team

Did you know that as you stride around the library looking for a book, there’s a hive of activity going on beneath your feet? Find out more about your reading list team… By Danielle Dafforn The reading list team are people you may not have met on your study trips, and perhaps you don’t even […]

Welcome to Warwick: Meet your Library

So all your hard work has paid off and you’re coming to Warwick.  Congratulations on leaving that sixth form behind and moving on up into higher education. We’re the Library, let’s get acquainted… So it’s finally here. A-level results day and you were up early, logging on to your UCAS account and getting in touch […]

How to get ahead this summer without actually studying

Is concern creeping in regarding an unproductive summer, but you’re not quite ready to get into the academic swing? Here are some suggestions on filling your time productively, without having to hit the books… by Laura Primiceri Perhaps your summer currently looks like a long, uninterrupted stretch of freedom – one that gives you an […]

Kirby Corner: What have you achieved this year?

Another academic year over – let’s take a look at what you’ve achieved!  The final Kirby Corner of 2017 gave you an opportunity to look back on your year and take pride in your progress and what you’ve achieved. Ranging from developing cooking skills to a student-run investment portfolio, there was so much to be […]

Obsessed with flash cards? Try this app

Flash cards are great. They’re quick and easy, perfect for testing your knowledge and helping you memorise information. So here’s the good news – now your smartphone can help you. Here’s how… Have you ever used flashcards to help you revise? Traditional flash cards involve writing a cue on one side of a card and […]

6 things that could go wrong in your exam

You burst into the exam room late, out of breath, turn over the exam paper “Discuss the importance of dual identity in Shakespeare’s…” what? But you study Economics. And why is everyone pointing and laughing? Why aren’t you wearing trousers? How do you spell your name again? Who started that tiny fire?  And why has […]

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