You said, we did; The Library is going 24 hours!

We have some very exciting news for you… The Library is going 24 hours! Great news for you night owls and early morning larks! Find out more… One of our joys at the Library is granting your wishes, though these usually take the form of book requests rather than pumpkin carriages and glass slippers. So […]

Get Familiar: The Modern Records Centre

Struggling to find original source material? Want to make your essay stand out? Here’s how to get ahead by using the Modern Records Centre (MRC) and its archives…by Nuala Clarke We’ve all been there; staring up at the looming gap of oblivion where your book should be. You check your code again. You look around the […]

New to Warwick? Navigate your way with the Library

Bubble or not, when you’re new to Warwick, the campus can be pretty daunting… There’s the brief flood of panic when you nonchalantly accept a 10am Chemistry block rendezvous, before realising you have no idea where the Chemistry block is. And when you finally twig you’ve been walking in the wrong direction for 10 minutes, […]

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