Mastering the art of outdoor study

I’m not going to pretend that studying outdoors is anyway near as fun as sunbathing or having a barbeque. However, this post will provide you with the inspiration you need to leave the restraints of your desk and successfully master the art of outdoor studying, ensuring that as the temperatures soar you manage to keep […]

A year in the Learning Grid Rootes

At the end of Week 9, Learning Grid Rootes closed its doors for the summer. I’ve spent one year working there as a Student Adviser (that’s us in the blue shirts), and I’ve seen some things – including ukuleles. Here’s a look back at Learning Grid Rootes’ first year in service! …By Charlotte Salter What’s […]

Top 10 moments of the Study Happy Campaign!

The library’s anti-stress campaign has now drawn to a close – I guess time flies when you’re chilling out in massage chairs and cuddling some adorable doggies! Here’s a recap of our top 10 favourite moments of the study happy campaign…By Nuala Clarke 1. The Massage Chairs I never wanted to get up. Like ever. 2. The Free Stuff […]

Mindfulness in the Library, or wherever you happen to be

Rest periods are proven to improve your study and wellbeing. Here’s a tempting activity for today’s #studyhappy Library break… Sometimes student life can be so overwhelming that it feels like there’s hardly time to breathe, let alone pay attention to our breath. Take a break and try out mindfulness to ease any anxiety…By Eric Baron.   First, […]

Down The Rabbit-Hole: Sitting an Exam

You find yourself increasingly bored as you revise, yet this revision is leading to something. Exams. And when you’re standing outside the exam hall that boredom turns to utter, utter fear. Your stomach swirls. The doors open. You walk in the hall. And you fall down the rabbit-hole…By Thomas Stewart. Wonderland is not what you […]

What kind of searcher are you?

Find your library search personality type and get our tips for how to make the most of the information that is out there, just waiting for you… By Kate Courage When your tutor says to you, “You really need to work on your bibliography. Try some of the Library’s databases…”, rather than sticking your head […]

Power Pose Your Way to Exam Triumph

Want to know Wonder Woman’s secrets? Need a bit of Superman attitude for your next exam? Two minutes of power posing could do the trick…By Carina Hart So what is power posing? Social scientist Amy Cuddy gave this fantastic TED Talk in 2012, in which she describes her research into how your body language affects not […]

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