What is dry media? Dry Media includes charcoal, graphite, chalks and pastels. Each of these mediums gives the artist a wide range of mark making capabilities and effects, from thin lines to large areas of color and tone. What are the disadvantages of liquid media? Liquid media is any material that is in liquid form, […]
How many lead singers has the band Journey had?
How many lead singers has the band Journey had? They have had five lead singers to date. The single component they’ve spent three decades cyclically seeking to replace is the voice of their frontman, Steve Perry, who came and went, and came and went – then disappeared. Any Journey singer needs to sound exactly like […]
What is Correggio most famous piece?
What is Correggio most famous piece? Assumption of the Virgin What technique of Leonardo da Vinci’s is demonstrated in the fresco seen above? Sfumato Which of the following is Giorgione most known for? Giorgione Education Giovanni Bellini Known for Painting Notable work The Tempest Sleeping Venus Castelfranco Madonna The Three Philosophers Movement High Renaissance Who […]
The taste for fat ?
Jean-Louis Flandrin. The taste and the need : on the use of fats in the kitchens of western Europe (Fourteenth-Eighteenth century), Annals, 1983, n° 2, pp. 369-401. That is what the taste, or the need based culinary traditions, mutations ? English and French appear in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries, a profound distaste for the […]
freeze frame : the school experience of the relegation
Freeze-frame a short sequence of a documentary The act of the college of Mariana Otero, published by Blaq out. The extract analyzed is between 6.30 and 7. 03 on the video (the law of The collège_extrait) A French course at the collège Garcia Lorca, in the Seine-Saint-Denis. About grammar and conjugation. The professor corrects a […]
A good introduction to the sociology of Durkheim
At the time in Lyon, the course will resume at the faculty, I prepare my courses for License 1 for the half-year that comes. I discovered Understand Durkheim , Jacques Coenen-Huther, editions Armand Colin, released last July. Clear, accessible, without being simplistic, it is a good entry point, may be more digestible than the Benchmarks […]
A small book beneficial
I just discovered a little book salutataire, destination of the young and the less young. Written by François Daniellou and published by éditions OctaresThe spelling is not soluble in higher education ! Memory aid of the benevolent, for the use of students is a valuable guide to spelling, who knows how to remind you of […]
The Hmong at the plant
Jean-Pierre Hassoun, ” The Hmong at the plant “, French Review of sociology, 1988, Vol 29, pp. 35-53 What are the consequences of migration ? J-P Hassoun examines this phenomenon through the prism of the professional integration offered by the host society to the migrant Hmong. The article focuses on the discovery of the industrial […]
the conference of The Pinçon-Charlot is on-line
The conference from Thursday the 25th of November last, “The wealth of the unexpected” by Monique Pinçon-Charlot and Michel Pinçon is online on ITS-ENS. It is here I would like to take this post to remind you that the next conference of the cycle “The course of the work of the social sciences” will take […]
Practice of culinary hybrids, portraits in the kitchen
Mix : portraits of the kitchen. A book, published under the direction of Isabella Blaze, photographs of Michel Gary (Editions Aaccess, Érès, 2010) This is a book a little special, which consists of revenue multicultural, photographic portraits, information dietary and nutritional images of meals shared. It presents different ways of cooking, at home, in the […]