Given that I went up in the section written by the paper presented at the Congress of the WINGS, will not be to make a post about it. The file in this link. And we put it in the summary: The own-account work has been analyzed from two looks contradictory: One who observes them as […]
Spinoza and the Apology of the Common Life
Spinoza and the concern for the Policy
Having read Baruch Spinoza from the end of the year 2012 (having spent several months reading of the Ethics, and then with other of his texts), I don’t suppose you will devote a series of entries. And take advantage that I am now reading the Political treaties (edition of Atilano Domínguez in Alliance, on Scribd […]
The process of the qualitative analysis
Finishing the course of qualitative methodology, I wrote some notes about the qualitative analysis, and will not be more fit for a blog entry. If one wanted, as it is sometimes useful to work on methodology, to reduce and to simplify to the maximum the things, well you can say that the qualitative analysis is […]
A sketch of an ethics borgeana
To speak of an ethics in the work of Jorge Luis Borges is, in some sense, be exposed clearly to the accusation of trying a without sense, an absurd (almost write a story borgeano). For who is explicitly stated to be skeptical, and that on the basis of skepticism, defending its adherence to the Conservative […]
The possibility of Knowledge in the European Philosophy of the Early modern
It is perhaps one of the signs that, in the field of thought we are still under the aegis of modern thought (and with this we are referring in particular to his early period, before the NINETEENTH century) is that it is still common to encounter the idea that the fundamental questions are mainly epistemological: […]
The Utility prior to the Utilitarianism
Conventionally the birth of utilitarianism is attributed to Bentham. But arguments from nature utilitarian are very previous. It is possible to find in Hobbes, Spinoza and Hume (not counting many other authors less well known today). In fact, the same Kant to describe the considerations material to the empirical on morale, for better criticizing them […]
The limits of the naturalization of Social
The concept of the naturalization of social life is central in the thinking of Norbert Lechner -that is one of the few theorists that have been produced in our midst, and they have also been central in the Human Development Reports in Chile, which, in some form, may be regarded as the implementation of a […]
Voluntary Voting, and the Evolution of Electoral Results
1. Introduction One of the possible consequences that have been discussed about the fact of having choice with voluntary voting is the bias socio-economic: That communities with lower socio-economic level had more abstention (for example, see the following article for Contreras and Morales). Which in turn was denied by others or relativized by others, and […]
the relevance of The Dialectic of the Enlightenment
Critical theory classic, and this is one of his fundamental texts, has known better times. Those who have the temperament of a critic will probably not look drawn by a vision that remains very critical of the modern project is not only critical of the latter; and further, makes the criticism from that same project. […]