Research seminar
Organized by:
Project Basic Identities and Economic Crisis (CSO2011-32121)
Department of Sociology III (Social Trends)
National university of Distance Education
Juan José Villalón Ogáyar
“The city’s dual to the fragmented city. The case of Madrid-South“
Madrid-South is part of an archipelago in the metropolitan, I would say Francesco Indovina, which is one of the ten largest urban areas of Europe, a Large Urban Zone, in terms of the European Commission.
This metropolis is inserted in the global network of cities, from a position complex that it requires huge effort to maintain a position relatively powerful. This leads to the development of political and economic policies that have a major impact on the quality of life and well-being of its population, the main economic resource of this vast mass of urban polycentric. And, in addition, it affects how that society sees itself, how each of its members perceive themselves in relation to others, as each one of them and they bind and are separated from the rest.
A long time ago, it was possible to observe that new forms of work organisation, driven by the current wave of globalization mainly, tended to generate social structures, with two large economic segments quite unequal in the large urban areas. It separated the occupied positions to highly specialized ones that could only occupy positions unqualified, manuals, and progressively precarious due to the growing weakness of the political structures of the state. The problem that this entails is of an enormous complexity, and has been addressed by many authors, among which I would like to highlight for their relevance in the development of this perspective, Manuel Castells and Saskia Sassen. If, from long ago we know that the city is not divided into two poles but walking fragmenting as well understood Peter Marcuse. And, today, we have a huge bibliography on the axes that divide our great cities by neighborhoods, guettos, ethnicity, class, religion, gender or age for example.
Thanks to this, we know that the fragmentation of the city is a result of structural processes and cultural-related changes in the population, the workplace, politics and in the beliefs and values of the society. The fragmentation is not only an objective process, it is also subjective and active.
The participants of the seminar “Fragments of the City” probed in such historical processes, how they occurred, why they occurred and what we can find in Madrid-South, as a particular case.
In the act involving the researchers of the project “basic Identities and economic crisis”.
- Josune Aguinaga Roustan, an expert in Urban Sociology and the population will talk about el growth of population and urban of the cities of Madrid Sur.
- Violante Martínez Quintana, an expert in Sociology of Work outline the current state of tork and the desempleo, as well as their relationship with the configuration of the identities, socio-professionals in Leganés.
- Veronica Diaz Moreno, professor of Sociology, will develop the paper on the “Claims of citizens: the case of Parla“.
- Azahara Sánchez Hurtado, a junior researcher of the project, ask how the young people construct their social identities in this time of crisis.
- Juan José Villalón Ogáyar, principal investigator of the project, will assess and will expose some of the avances of methodology and first results obtained in the project on the measurement and analysis of the discursos of identification of the same and different.
Date: April 10, Wednesday.
Opening hours: from 17:00 to 20:00.
Venue: UNED. Faculty of CC.PP. and Sociology. (Room 5.19)
C/ Obispo Trejo s/n, MADRID
Free registration.
Registration form at: Indicate in the “subject”: research Seminar 10/05/2013
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Funded by:
Poster of the Seminar: the Research Seminar “The fragments of the city”
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