The Jury of the Prize Prince of Asturias of Social Sciences 2013 has failed in the day of today, grant it to the sociologist Dutch Saskia Sassen for her contribution to urban sociology and to the analysis of the dimensions social, economic and political globalization.
A few weeks ago was created in Cisolog page Sociologists recognized with the Prince of Asturias Award, which contains the list of sociologists, as well as scientists from other disciplines who have made important contributions in the field of sociology and have been recognized with the Prince of Asturias Award (PPA) in any of their categories. We offer direct links from the website of the Prince of Asturias Foundation to learn more the prize winners: history and proceedings of the jury; and in the more recent videos, and speeches that were made in the act of collecting the prize. This page is part of what will be one page wide, which will include the awards of the highest prestige granted to sociologists, whether international in scope, as are the Prince of Asturias Awards and the Awards Holberg, as at the national level, the National Prize of Sociology and Political Science granted by the CIS. For the moment, has already been updated the available information on the recent award of Saskia Sassen in Sociologists recognized with the Prince of Asturias Award. As a curious note, and if I’m not wrong, is the first sociologist to receive this award; all of the above related with the sociology that they have received it are men.
Then I play the video of the declaration of the jury of the www.fpa.es the news of today www.rtve.es by Laura G. Torres, with video attached, and in the end, I have a series of interesting links about Saskia Sassen, a list of some of their books translated in Spanish, and a video of the Conference that Saskia Sassen gave in 2011 on “global city” in the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Andes.
- Saskia Sassen, the mother of the ‘global city’
The sociologist Dutch Saskia Sassen has won the Prince of Asturias Award of Social Sciences in 2013, in which the failure has occurred on Wednesday after the second jury meeting.
Professor of the university of new york of Columbia, has dedicated a part of their jobs to reflect on the power and inequality which leads to globalization, and his most famous work is The global city (The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo).
The jury wanted to reward “its contribution to urban sociology and to the analysis of the dimensions social, economic and political globalization”, as contained in the record read out by its president.
Sassen has been imposed, finally, another favorite, the american economist Paul Romer, and has been chosen by the jury among a total of 26 nominations from 13 nationalities, among which were also the Spanish philosopher José Antonio Marina; the argentine sociologist Bernardo Kliksberg, the nobel prize in Economics indian Amartya Kumar Sen, or the american psychologist Steven Pinker.
In the record of the award, the jury has stressed “the great international prestige” of this sociologist, both for “his teaching and research activities and the reach and influence of their ideas”, which underlines their great contribution to the “concept of global city, currently accepted and employed in all the social sciences”.
“For Sassen, global cities form networks that concentrate decision-making power and new relationships between territory, authority and rights, diluting the role of the frontiers. In they also generate major inequalities and social segregation due, among other causes, to differences in access to information technologies”, stresses the jury of the Prince of Asturias award for Social Sciences.
An expert on globalization
Born in the Netherlands (The Hague, 1949), Saskia Sassen lived in his childhood in several countries, including Argentina and Italy. At the age of 19 he settled permanently in the united States. Today is a professor of Sociology at Columbia University and lives between New York and London.
For more than 20 years dedicated to the study of the society and has excelled in the study of the dimensions of political, social and economic globalization. It is also considered a specialist in issues and approaches in urban areas.
Married with the sociologist Richard Sennett has published several books (The global city (1991) is perhaps the most well known), which have been translated into a score of languages.
In The global city Saskia Sassen develops the concept of the global city, category novel to study the city as a place of intersection between the local and the global.
Another fundamental aspect of the work of Sassen lies in the studies on the issues of power and inequality derived from the globalization processes.
In addition, is the only woman listed among the top ten social scientists in the world, according to the ranking of the Social Science Citation Index in the last decade, which also include Anthony Giddens, Jürgen Habermas, Zygmunt Bauman and Alain Touraine, all of them Awards Prince of
Sassen: “A great honor”
For her part, Sassen has stated that it is a “great honor” to be distinguished with ungalardón of “prestige” and international has assured that he will be attending the ceremony. “Absolutely, I’ll be,” he said.
In a telephone conversation with Efe from London, Sassen has considered that “in the space of the Spanish language there is a prize as the Prince of Asturias”, a “great prestige,” which also extends to the rest of the world, has been valued.
“I would say that the concept (global city) is more famous than I; if he had done a copyright or have intellectual property rights as pharmaceutical companies would have earned a lot of money,” he joked Sassen, who has insisted he is a “great honor,” the jury has valued in this way their work.
Second prize Prince of Asturias
His candidacy had been proposed by the professor of Sociology of the University of Barcelona Jesús M. de Miguel for a prize that Science has as purpose to recognize “the person, group of people or institution whose creative work or research in the fields of Anthropology, Law, Economics, Geography, History, Psychology, Sociology and other Social Sciences represents a relevant contribution to the development of the same for the benefit of mankind”.
The Science of social has been the second of the eight awards, which convenes this year the Prince of Asturias Foundation in its XXXIII edition, after having already granted the Prince of Asturias of the Arts to the filmmaker by austrian Michael Haneke.
The jury has awarded this prize was integrated among others, by Aurelio Menendez, as chairman, Inés Alberdi, Gonzalo Anes, Victoria Camps Cervera, Severino García Vigón, Mauro Guillén, María del Carmen Iglesias, Manuel Menéndez, José Manuel Otero Novas, Rafael Puyol and Juan Vazquez.
Last year, the american Martha Nussbaum was awarded the prize of Social Sciences who also possess, among others, David Attenborough, Tzvetan Todorov, Mary Robinson, Paul Krugman, Jurgen Habermas, Carlo Maria Martini, Raymond Carr, or Julio Caro Baroja.
Sassen is the third woman to win this award, after the former chairperson, irish Mary Robinson (2006) and the philosopher american Martha Nussbaum, in the last edition.
Interesting links about Saskia Sassen:
- Website of Saskia Sassen
- Saskia Sassen, an authority on the politics of globalization and mother of “the global city” in rtve.it is
- Saskia Sassen in Wikipedia
- Saskia Sassen in the Prince of Asturias Foundation
- Conference of Saskia Sassen on “global city” in the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Andes, November 8, 2011.
Some of his books translated in Spanish:
2010 – A Sociology Of Globalization
2010 – Territory, Authority and Rights
2008 – is losing control? – sovereignty in the era of globalization
2003 – Contrageografías of globalization
2003 – The ghosts of globalization
2002 – The modern-day slavery
2000 – The global city: new york, London, Tokyo
Conference of Saskia Sassen on “global city” in the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Andes, November 8, 2011.