Should The Catcher in the Rye Be Banned?

Should The Catcher in the Rye Be Banned?

The Catcher in the Rye shouldn’t be banned because it restricts the readers from reading one of the best books from the 20th Century. Banning books, such as Catcher in the Rye, violates individuals from exploring classic literature.

Why Catcher in the Rye should not be taught?

Critics wish to ban this novel for its depressing view of life and its mature themes and languages. Many critics who wish to ban Catcher in the Rye from schools claim that the book is dangerous because students will attempt to emulate the actions of Holden.

What’s wrong with Catcher in the Rye?

Holden Caulfield suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. The fictional cause is the death of his beloved little brother, Allie. The reason that The Catcher in the Rye is so powerful is that it is a true book (I don’t say that it is a true story). Salinger, himself, and Holden’s PTSD is Salinger’s PTSD.

Why does Holden curse so much?

The excessive swearing is a symptom of Holden’s immaturity and his anxiety building toward crisis. One other reason Holden may swear so much is that Salinger was writing CITW when he was in the Army, and right afterward. He was an enlisted man, and swearing can become second nature when you’re around it a lot.

What words do Holden hate?

Holden hates the word “grand” with a passion. To him, it’s the epitome of everything that’s false, fake, and—his favorite word—phony. It’s the kind of word that always seems to be used as a euphemism, to make something seem much better than it really is.

Did Holden Caulfield have depression?

Holden displays many common traits of a person with PTSD following this loss. He has substantial amounts of guilt and depression and struggles to remember the details of events in his life. Holden’s emotions seem to be highly unbalanced. His rage is extreme and his joy is more manic.

What does Holden do to kill time?

2. Where does Holden go to kill time before he had to meet his friend at 10 p.m.? Holden goes to the movies at Radio City. This makes Holden a hypocrite because he hates the movies but went anyway.

What does Sally Hayes symbolize?

She has a Master of Education degree. The beautiful Sally Hayes represents everything Holden hates in the J.D. Salinger novel, ‘The Catcher in the Rye. ‘ In this lesson, we will learn more about this character.

Why did Jane keep her kings in the back row?

Jane’s keeping all her kings in the back row while she plays checkers is a metaphor for how Jane is quiet and reticent about her power as she plays the game of life. Kings are powerful pieces in checkers, and Holden is saying that Jane has power—that she is a strong person—but that she prefers not to show it.

Does she still keeps her kings in the back row?

If she still keeps her kings in the back row (which she only did because she liked the way they looked), it will symbolize that she has retained her innocence and was not, um, besmirched by Stradlater or the adult world.

What does Jane symbolize in Catcher in the Rye?

Jane represents a person who was a perfect, innocent crush for Holden. She, like Allie, did odd things because of guileless, innocent motives. In checkers, she would keep her kings in the back row, not because of strategy or vanity, but because she thought it was cute.

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