Sociology and history

Sociology and history : work in progress. A number of the review “synopses in the human sciences” (n°14, 2008)

The review synopses of social sciences and humanities devotes his record number 14 to the relations between sociology and history. Inaugurated at the turn of the Twentieth century, and which is continually renewed since that time, the question of the relationship between sociology and history seems exhausted as she comes back regularly in discussions on the specificity and complementarity of the two disciplines. The debate on the relationship between sociology and history is not a cold object, it would be sufficient to warm up from time to time to make a good figure. First, as noted by Bernard Lepetit, the structuring of the scientific field is not set in stone and “interdisciplinarity is part of a process of constant evolution of the field of the social sciences” (” Proposals for a limited practice of interdisciplinarity “, 1990). We will not forget, then, that analyses the most acute of the relationship between sociology and history are themselves the product of social determinants and context in scientific singular.

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