The same-sex parenting to the male

The same-sex parenting to the male. The desire to have a child against the social order. A book by Emmanuel Gratton (Puf/The World, al. “Sharing of knowledge “, 2008)

The work of Emmanuel Gratton, rewarded by the Prize The World of academic research, is the result of his phd thesis defended in January 2006 under the direction of Vincent de Gaulejac. It takes as its object the paternity gay and, more specifically, the decision by gay men to become fathers outside of any union hétéroparentale. For Anne Cadoret [1], the formation of a family, a homosexual comes in four modes. It is a family consisting of a gay couple or lesbian, and children of one of the two spouses born of a prior marriage and heterosexual ; or a situation of shared parenthood, when a couple of women and a couple of men agree for a child to be bred by one of the members of each couple and be recognized by its broodstock ; or a adoption, one of the two members of the family gay the asking or by the use of new techniques of reproduction [2]. These different configurations of family are represented among the 27 men who agreed to participate in the research of Emmanuel Gratton.

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